The Lamb's Off!

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The Cult of the Lamb's software needs an update for today: The Lamb is off to go get some digital relics from the lane of pure mystery! The followers of the Lamb must survive and wait and do no wrongdoings. The Lamb must earn the relics of the Old Faith for the software update somehow. It should move on to the land of the Old Faith, for now. The Lamb's followers will hope for the update of this technological cult that they are in
for their own good. Narinder, the One who Waits will supposedly help the Cult to do no wrong of this time. Blasphemy and other wrongdoings are completely against the Cult. The only way to understand the technological thearchy is to praise the Lamb as the other cults will be destroyed upon and will be taken over by the Lamb after. We await the Lamb for the greater good of the digitalised future upon us.

May the almighty Lamb succeed in the journey of the relic collection.

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