<Hank bio>

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Name:Hank J. Wimbleton
Age: (s3lf age):Unknown
physical age (currently): 16
Job: nothing unless being a member of the dissenter squad counts.
Looks (currently):

(Pretend he's humanoid and there arent bandaids on the head and on chest its just a white T-shirt)

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(Pretend he's humanoid and there arent bandaids on the head and on chest its just a white T-shirt)

Current armor:
Kevlar and cloth bandanna: (6 armor) Perfect for a gun ninja look, it feels like theres more than cloth in here cause its heavy.
Stylish red tinted shades: (0.5 armor) looks cool not meant for protection.
Slightly durable face mask: (2 armor) bandit gear, weirdly durable, and it is weirdly comfortable.
Lawman duster: (7 armor)(2 handgun mag)decently armored trenchcoat, an ammo belt at the side, with bits of kevlar woven for good measure.
Fingerless gloves: (0.5 armor) a pair of fingerless gloves so your palm won't get dirty.
Heavy boots: (4 armor) protective and extremely durable shoes.
Ammo belt: (1.5 armor, 2 handgun mag) self explanatory

Personality: Mainly an introvert, dosen't talk alot unless he's with HUNK or Winter, dosen't care enough to make friends with anybody, intimidates everybody including especially bullies and criminals, he's not a dick but mot friendly matieral either.

Secretly cares about: HUNK, winter, Doc, tactie, cats

Likes: Weapons, killing, animals but likes cats the most, coffee and pie, baking.

Respects: Friendship (he can see the appeal but dosen't care to make more), most catholic people, the mission, HUNK, christoff, Hoffnar, Crackpot, Phobos (at first), uncompetent teammates (he'd rather have them instead of one that would stab him at the back),

Despises:Racism, bullying, catholic people (the ones that uses it as an excuse to hate on things), pointless conversations, abuse, terrible ass puns, disloyal teammates, pointless rescue.


M 1911 (Pretend it has the laser sight on the top and its black with silver accents)

M 1911 (Pretend it has the laser sight on the top and its black with silver accents)

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Iron long sword

Iron long sword

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Current stats



(For those powerscalers saying these arent Hank's stats, these stats are in Doc's computer that check a persons current stats)

Marksmanship: Hank is very skilled with guns but he does get outclassed by HUNK, Tactie, and later on Doc and deimos.

Swordsmanship: Despite Hank's proficiency with guns meelee weaponry is where he shines especially with a sword and battle axe.

Hand to hand skills: unarmed combat is Hank's bread and butter to the point where he created his own fighting style, Hank is the best when it comes to H2H, not even the most skilled of martial artist have defeated him at a "young" age.

Physical strength: Same as HUNK lifts heavy metal objects, send people flying with a punch and kick or straight up knock em out.

Intelligence: Hank is pretty smart being able to make some weapons and mod them, and able to come up with leader like strategies sometimes on the fly, however he does do better on his own or with one person rather then a whole team.

Adaptability: Hank's adaptability is one his main strengths being able to come up with different strategies (most of the time) for many opponents.

Reaction and combat speed: Hank is very fast being able to run in tge blink of an eyeand dodge bullets and evn lasers at multiple angles.

Agility: Hank's agility is one his best aspects being able to flip, dodge, and weave through obstacles and projectiles and many blades, some people say he even he teleports, but he has never teleported....minus when he chose disquinted origin, but its no longer important.

Durability: Blunt wise Hank almost dosen't notice he got hit by normal sized fist, baseball bats, metal pipes, wood, and most hammers however sharp weapons like swords, knives, bullets, etc. Do cut him however they do take time to pierce his skin due to generation 1 grunt skin toughness.

Baking skills: weirdly an amazing baker, i mean who else is gonna make his pies, does bake other things but their for the others he just sticks with his pies.

Current techniques unlocked,
Unarmed combat 5 (Exclusive to Hank)
Punch quick, critical bonus
Punch charge up
Gaurd mobility
Dash attack Heavy
Improvised weapons
Special strike better (kick)
Counter meelee, charging

Meelee technique 3.5 (exclusuve to Hank)
Swing fast, critical
Block mobility advanced, deflect bullets
Blunt knockdown
Swing charge up
Big weapons
Dual wield meelee
Parry blade chef
Zip attack
Block breaker

Gun Handling 3
Great shot
Off-hand aim
Sweet spot aka critical hits
Auto fire compensation
Cover bracing
Directional tracking
Dual wield light
Pistol whip
Mobile aiming

Core dodge 3
Tactical journeyman
Pickup kick
Dash fire
Fast get up
Athlethic sprint
Deadly throw
Snap dodge
Fall tumble
Timed kip up
Shuriken arc


Bullet time: This slows Hank's perception of time so slow thay he states everyone was moving as slow as a sloth including bullets and rockets, and people even that they saw afterimages, however overusage can cause nausea and temporary blindness and slower reaction time.

Bloodlust: If Hank is annoyed or pissed off he goes into this state where he becomes so aggressive that he attacks anyone, Bloodlust boost Hank's strength, combat speed and senses however he can only think as a wild animal aka instincts, in this mode Hank is very good at using an axe with one hand thats as big as him.

Additional info:
Hank is the only person to know HUNK's actual name but he refuses to tell anyone.

Everyone but the maker, machine, and doc dosen't know Hank is the first to awaken (in this au) not even himself, till many imprints later.


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