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Name: Unknown
Codename:HUNK, Mr death, Grim reaper.
Age: (S3lf age): Unknown
(Physical age): 16 (4 hours older then Hank)
Job: nothing unless being commander of the dissenter trio counts.
Looks currently: <.....No images saved....>
Long hood: (4 armor) a simple hood with kevlar woven it.
Round red tinted goggles: (4 armor) protective and intimidating
Cheap Respirator: (2.5 armor), A respirator that you can find at pretty high quality, for the price that is.
Wec. vex. 001 Gear: (7.5 armor) (1 extra mag) Protective and durable security gear, not made with flexebility in mind.
Leather boots: (3 armor) pretty protective and durable.
Ammo backapack: 1 standard mag 2 handgun mag.
Ammo belt: 3.5 armor, 2 standard mag

Personality:Acts similar to Hank but acts more proffesional then intimidating silence, he acts a lot like a leader of soldiers rather then a teen, He dosen't like showing his face at all only showing it to hank once and never again, also dosen't mind when he has to work with a team as much as Hank does, he can work well being alone or with a whole team, HUNK is a bit more trustworthy but that dosen't mean you should't watch your back.

Secretly cares about:Hank and maybe winter a little bit.

Likes: coffee...thats it, oh yeah and guns...mainly SMG's and pistols, and ocassionally a shotgun

Respects:Doc, Tactie, nighthawk/Dave.

Despises: Mission Failure ( he dosen't want his streak to end), a nuisance and useless teammates, having to compromise ( still dose it alot), not knowing the extraction point.

combat knife

Weapons: combat knife

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Marksmanship: Hank describes HUNK's marksmanship and precision downright disrespectful, he nearly never misses even when he was blindfolded, no one but Tactie even comes close to his proficiency with ranged weaponry.

Swordsmanship:HUNK isn't nearly as good with meelee weaponry as Hank but you shouldn't underestimate his skills, he's very good with his combat knife, and a crescent sword.

Hand to hand skills: unarmed combat isn't really HUNK's specialty, mainly leaving Hank to get up close to fight their opponents while he stays sniping at a roof or something, still very good At unarmed combat just not Hank's level.

Physical strength: HUNK is very strong being able to lift metal objects, kick or punch someone and knock them out or send them flying.

Intelligence: HUNK is smarter then Hank when it comes to strategies overall and very much leader like when giving Hank, tactie orders on the battlefield, almost as if being a leader comes natural to him.

Adaptability: HUNK's adaptability is one his main strengths, like His cousin being able to come up with different strategies (most of the time) for many opponents and bases and for HUNK especially when it comes to counter attacks on whole squads and bases full of enemies.

Reaction and Combat speed: HUNK is pretty much as fast as Hank when it comes to dodging and fighting his opponents.

Agility:HUNK'S agility is one of if not his biggest weakness, despite being able to dodge and punch/kick as fast as Hank, he can't exactly flip, roll, jump, or run as fast as Hank can even with bullet time.

Durability: Same as Hank, Blunt wise barely reacts to it, but cutting and piercing weapons will have a difficult but not impossible time going through his grunt skin.

Gun crafting and modding skills: making guns is one of HUNK'S greatest skills, man knows the in and out of every gun thats been made known to man and he knows how to make and mod them.

Pain tolerance: HUNK's pain tolerance is through the roof, sometimes not even noticing or feeling he got shot or stabbed.

Current techniques unlocked,
Unarmed combat 3
Punch quick, critical bonus
Punch charge up
Gaurd mobity
Improvised weapons
Special strike better (kick)

Meelee technique 2
Swing fast, critical
Block better
Blunt knockdown
Swing charge up
Big weapons
Dual wield meelee
Blade chef
Zip attack

Gun Handling 5 (exclusive to HUNK)
Stationary recovery
Great shot
Off-hand aim
Sweet spot aka critical hits
Auto fire correction
Cover bracing
Directional tracking
Dual wield light
Pistol whip
Mobile aiming and accuracy
Pin down
Precision shooter
Zero tolerance
Aim assist

Core dodge ll
Tactical journeyman
Pickup kick
Dash fire
Fast get up
Athlethic sprint
Precise throw
Snap dodge
Fall tumble
Timed kip up

Bullet time: This slows HUNK's perception of time so slow thay he states everyone was moving as slow as a sloth including bullets and rockets, however he isn't as fast or good at using as Hank is and overusage can cause nausea and temporary blindness and slower reaction time.

S3lf absorber: this ability grants HUNK psychic abilities but it only works on living beings that are stunned, if HUNK uses it the victim will be lifted up into the air while having a seizure before exploding into chunks of flesh and bones and fire, HUNK can then be seen standing where his victim was, completely healed. (This ability was taken when he chose the Offering origin.)

Additional info:
The Machine and Maker consider to be a genration 0 grunt mainly because he isn't suppose to be in nevada but he seems to already have been a very distant relative to Hank, but even then, they know having a person not meant to be in their universe will have strange affects.

HUNK does somewhat care about winter, but he isn't gonna talk to her alot.

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