Chapter 30

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What the hell, with them? And especially Huanguang Jun, he never likes anybody near him, isn't he? Than who possessed him? Jingyi whispered in Shizui's ears.

Xian-ge, a low whisper came out from Shizui's mouth.

What are you saying? I didn't listen.,said Jingyi.

It's better for me, replied Shizui, leaving Jingyi in confusion.

Now what happened to him? Oh god my mind!, thought Jingyi.

Don't pressure your invisible mind, a voice came out from no where but from his own mind. 🥲🥲

Yes he is right! Jingyi answered his mind.😂🤣


Lan-er-gongzi, is she fine now? asked Song Lan.

Mn. answered Huanguang Jun.

What happen Young Master Wei? asked  Lan Xichen.

Xian-ge!? said Shizui.

Wei Ying!? asked Lan Wangji. e wha....what happen? asked Weiwuxian, as he came out of his daze and found everyone's gaze on himself.

Are you alright, Wei Wuxian!? asked Lan Xichen.

Ye... Yes. What happen to me? Weiwuxian reverse the question, and covered his facial expressions with a wide grin.

She'll be fine. She was just exhausted, consoled Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian didn't said anything, but left Hanshi followed by Shizui. Lan Wangji sent him.

It was quite unnatural, because Wei Wuxian was a talking mess, but he left without replying, thought Song Lan.

Xian-ge! Xian-ge!, Shizui hang on Wuxian's right leg, making Wuxian shock.

A-Yuan, what are you doing? Wuxian asked in shocked.

Wasn't that's what he always do only with you, all love for you only, hmph! exclaimed Jingyi.

Something is burning, said Chi Nuan, who just joined them from corridor.

Hey! Why you left her all alone? Wei Wuxian scold her.

Hey hey! It's ok, it's not like she's gonna die, she was just sleeping, and I left the room, because she likes pin drop silence, at her sleeping time, replied Chi Nuan.

But.... But on mountains there were always different kinds of sounds and noise, than how she use to sleep there, you are lying! exclaimed Wei Wuxian with a cute pout.

Hey I don't lie, my shifu never taught me that, Shifu used to put silencing talisman always, you never noticed. replied Chi Nuan.

She is right, Wei gongzi! said Song Lan, who followed Huanguang Jun all way.

Than I will apply silencing talisman for her now, by saying Wei Wuxian started to march towards Jingshi.

No need. Jingshi is most silent place, said Lan Wangji.

Yes! Let's not disturb her, let her to take rest, said Shizui showing his maturity, as he is. 😉

'Mn' resonate in whole corridor, with different voices in unison.

So, what's your plan, Wangji? asked Lan Xichen.

We need to arrange rooms for everyone, said Shizui.

But, Xiongzhang right now every rooms have been allotted to guest disciples, stated Lan Wangji.

Me and Ma--Ma--my Shifu will share our room, we have no problem, said Chi Nuan.

It's not necess...

It's Ok Zewu Jun, it's not like first time, but we share single room many times, Chi Nuan said politely with a perfect bow.

Alright, than still we need three rooms, said Lan Xichen.

Wei Ying can stay in Jingshi, if he wants to. Lan Wangji hit the iron when it was hot, without wasting a single second 😏😏😏😏.


Lan Jingyi:   Huh! What's going on with Huanguang Jun?

Lan Shizui:  Wow! Finally it's happening. Xian-gege and Pretty-gege, will be together. He chuckled, and a smile craft on his face.

Lan Xichen:  Baby brother! Oh poor me! Please don't do anything.

Song Lan:  Wasn't it's the same Huanguang Jun who hate physical touch, is Wei gongzi an exception, they are too much close maybe. I am thinking too much.

Chi Nuan:  Shifu was right! And here they go.🤭🤭]

( On another end Wei Wuxian was too happy 🥲🥲)

That's fine than, we need one more room, Shizui quickly end the matter.

No, Shizui we still need two. Xichen replied to Shizui.

No Zewu Jun, actually, I will shift with Jingyi, so we need one only, replied Shizui.

(Jingyi was shocked, he was about to spit something but his lips swed together.)

Now what happened to Shizui? Why he shut me up? Wasn't that's him who don't like to get along with ANYone seriously!? thought Jingyi.

Still one room, it's left, said Lan Xichen.

Zewu Jun a room near 'Healing Pavilion' is still untaken, we can grant that to Senior Song, Shizui replied immediately.

What's going on today? What happen to them? thought Xichen to himself.

But Shizui, did you forget what Healer Lan had said, she don't want any noise there, inquired Lan Xichen.

But, do senior Song will create any noise....!? Shizui asked sarcastically.

A-Yuan....!? said Wei Wuxian.

Xian-gege!? asked Shizui.

Curfew time. Should leave. Shizui go and prepare your room for them. Lan Wangji said stoically, still seems to happy for some unknown reason.


Whatever it is...!? At least we are together.... Hey hey, what am I thinking of? Wei Ying Wei Ying come to your senses, thought Wei Wuxian 🥲🤭.

Than please have some rest, your food will be delivered to your respective room, Xichen said politely.

Thank you Zewu Jun, have a good night, thanked Wei Wuxian.

Young Master Lan, let me help you, with your stuffs, while saying this Chi Nuan followed them, the trio of youngsters bow and left.

With that everyone left to their respective rooms Wei Wuxian left with Lan Wangji, and Song Lan to show his room by a disciple.

What was that, that happened here? Xichen thought and left for Hanshi.

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Not my art work, i didn't own this video 📸 📸 📸 📸

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