After they shook hands, Stacey asked, "So, what's the matter? How can we help?"

"Well," said Cassie, twiddling her thumbs, "my sister, Maggie, is an archaeologist. And this was what she was working on before she disappeared a week back." She handed Jacob a file. Then she continued, "This island she was researching about has a supernatural history. I think she got trapped in it or something. So I decided to call you."

"How did you get our number?" asked Misty.

"It was in her notebook."

"How did she even get our number?" Sarah asked

"I will I knew, maybe like how everyone else does?" Stacey wondered.

"Maybe" Jacob replied, not completely convinced.

"You can save her, right?" asked Ivan, worriedly.

"Of course we can," said Stacey. "Just give us your number and we'll call you when we find her."

After they left, the Willers began their research about the island. Even though they knew it might be a trap, they had to help.

"Listen to this," said Stacey, who was standing with the book in her hands, and read it out. "It's the history of the island. 'There was once an island which was filled with goodness, and was called the Isle of Paradise. The land was considered to be most holy and powerful, one of the main reasons why it was a big tourist attraction. The islanders were filled with goodness and love for one another, surrounding the island with purity. They had a strange custom of worshiping Mother Nature and respected Her in every way possible. The other reason why it was a great tourist attraction was the sacred temple present there. The temple and the island was protected by five crystals which represent the five elements of Nature – air, water, earth, sky and fire. Without these crystals, the island would be destroyed.

But one day, it so happened that one of the crystals was missing. They searched everywhere for the crystal that symbolized the sky, but in vain. They all had a hunch that the thief would be amongst them, so they started blaming each other for the theft. Soon, the love and goodness they had for each other slowly faded away to be replaced by hatred as the blaming and taunting continued. But instead of ending it there, they went too far as to perform evil deeds to each other, like killing each other, burying them alive, throwing them down the volcano, etc.

The sages over there had no idea what to do. They didn't want to blame anyone for the larceny of the sky crystal. But with all the iniquity going on around them, they needed help, and soon. They wanted to protect the island as well the temple and the people.

Luckily, they were able to contact us and seek our help. But when we reached there, the island was totally destroyed. Everyone was killed, including the sages. We also noticed a thick, black fog surrounding the island, which we presumed was the evil that had seeped from the islanders and had grown into a being.

My cousins, Andrew and Victoria, and Victoria's husband, Daniel, were the ones who forced the evil into the temple and trapped it in a tomb. But, unfortunately, they died in the process. Mathew, who was Andrew's twin, and I went back to the island to make sure that no one ever opens the tomb door. By casting the spell written below and connecting our handprint on the door is the key to open and close the tomb at will.'"

"What's the spell?" asked Sarah, walking up to her. She read,

"'We bind you to this hallowed ground,

Where shadows writhe and silence pounds.

Your touch, a curse upon this stone,

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