IQ over 300 ...

123 3 0

Kyo - Listen we are going against Class 1- D

? - Huh juniors only right ...

Kyosuke- Don't underestimate That class Our sister is in that class

Kyo - Ryuen Izumi is also there

Kyosuke - Ayanokoji Kyoko she is our sister she is wise

Rei - Like you both right?

Kyo/Kyosuke- Her IQ is over 300

All - Whatt over 300

Kyo - She is wise and clever 😎

Kyosuke- She is our sister but she is too good with her brains...

Rei - A pure Genius...

( Chabashira- ABOVE 300 IQ

All - ABOVE 300IQ

Sakayanagi Chairman - She is truly a genius...

Kiyotaka- She is my daughters... What more should I expect...

Kei - A true born genius...

Tsubasa- She truly looks good ✨she is also a genius...

Ryuen - This gets interesting every minute...)

Rei - Wow 🤩.. Truly a genius... You all are geniusus

Kyo - Nope the batch below us or the first years are the genius... We are messing with fire

Kyosuke - Sons or Daughters of people who manipulate well Hirata / Horikita / Ryuen / Ichinose / Sakayanagi/Ayanokoji...If we mess with them... We are messing with gasoline dipped fire not fire 🔥...

All - This shit is real now

Kyo- You all better study

Tsubasa- Marks below 33 are expelled... So please work accordingly (Mind) I suppose that's why Kiyotaka San is too protective of his daughter...

Chabashira sensei - ( Ayanokoji Kiyotaka might pissed off) Ayanokoji Kyoko you have a visitor...

Kyoko - A visitor? Hmm I wonder who it would be...

Chabashira sensei - He is here... Please

Professor Ayanokoji- Hi Ayanokoji Kyoko... Let's drop the formality... My dear grand daughter Kyoko... It's I your grand father... Ayanokoji Atsuomi ... You really look like your mother is her teens but your hair is short and your IQ is above 300 ... Join me... I will train you to be the perfect person Kyoko...

Kyoko - I will call my Pappa... My Pappa would end you...

( Kiyotaka - Ask him to stay away from her

Kei - Kyoko 🥺)

Professor Ayanokoji- Look Kyoko.. Your beautiful✨ and your wise your also manipulative but you have emotions... Join me I will change you... I trained your father or my son to be the PERFECT HUMAN but your mother's love changed him... Your mother is a wonderful person... When They got married I knew their kids would be brilliant... I mean Beauty and Brains or Beauty and the beast...

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