The New Generation =D

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Chi - Ryuen Ai ....We are gonna react to her 

[ Ryuen - My daughter 

Ibuki-Our daughter ] 

[ In school ] 

Ai- Ohaiyo Kyo .... 

Kyo - Good Morning Ai ... [ he pulls her to him] 

Ai - [ She just whispers and leaves ] I have class ...

Kyo - I just hope Kakeru san dont find about this ...He would skin me alive ...Dad save me ... 

Kyosuke - Enough flirting we have class 

[ In Class C] 

[ Ai sitting on the table with her legs on the front table ] 

Ai - Huh Is that heard ? Next time we wont fail ....Dont you think so Aki ? 

Aki - Fufu Ofcourse I do .... 

[ Ryuen - Ofcourse she is my daughter ...But isnt her skirt too short ..Those boys were fucking staring ...

Kiyotaka - Calm down

Ryuen - Your son is too close with my daughter 

Kiyotaka - Yours too] 

[ 4: 00 pm Class D ] 

Ichinose Himari - Just because we are friends does not mean I wont play well  Class B wont be soft [ sits with her legs tightly  stuck to eachother ] 

Sakayanagi Aki - Fufu , What made you think that Class A would be any soft 

Horikita Sara - Yeah we Class A are not that bad

Horikita Asahi - If Class A plays the tables would turn ....

Ryuen Katsumi - [ Sitting like Ryuen] Huh Class B would Crush Class A 

Ryuen Ai - I would crush Class B I am sorry I am backing off [ Her legs are crossed , her thighs are clearly visible ] 

Ryuen Izumi - Oh Its ok my dear younger siblings cause your older brother of Class D would crush you all

Ayanokoji Kyoko - Mou ... [ her legs were on a table ] I play don't play with fire I add gasoline in them and then I play.... [ she smirks ] I mean ... I would play with my seniors and expel the unwanted ones ....

[ Kiyotaka - SHE IS MY DAUGHTER ....


Chairman Sakayanagi - SHE IS A REAL GENIUS ...

Ryuen - She is good ] 

Ryuen Ai - Kuku...

Kyoko - Man I am hungry... Hungry😣🍕... I am leaving... And ... I am starving...Bye bye [ she Leaves ] 

Chabashira sensei - These kids are the version 2.0 of their parents ....

[ In the lunch hall ] 

Kyo - Kyoko whats up with your skirt ...Why cant you wear stockings or why isnt your skirt too short 

Kyosuke - Excatly ...your nuts...Such a short skirt 

Kyoko - I will pappa that you both are bullying me 

Kyo/ Kyosuke- We are your brothers we have the right to scold you

Kyoko - Huh ... And I have the right to tell pappa ...

Kyo- And we will tell mom 

Kyosuke - Dad may pamper you but mom ....hmm you know your birth was an accident 

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