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Kyosuke - Tsubasa.... Have you read this book( He hands her Twisted Love)

Tsubasa ( Daughter of Manabu and Akane) Hmm.. No..

Kyosuke - Well read it... I think it's nice...

Tsubasa - Oh! Thank you... I did not read such books at home because I don't want dad and mom finding about my interest in romantic books 😅...

Kyosuke - Well then Read it ... When your done... Ring me up... I will give you the next one if you love this I am sure.. You would love it....

Tsubasa - Love is fascinating isn't it ?

Kyosuke - It really is... In my house my dad my mom usually are too romantic in front of us... They are really made for each other

( Kei - Ehh ... Infront of the kids

Manabu - He is with my daughter

Akane- We have kids 🤭🤭😳😳

Ryuen - Not bad it it Lol I secretary..?

Ibuki - Oh please tyrant...)

Tsubasa- Oh! Well my parents does express in front of us... Once I saw them both talking at night by the living room ( They live in a Traditional Japanese house) My dad was calling me mom Sunshine ☀️ ... I was amazed😲... And my mom calls him anata... They both are really too secretive 🤣Takumi ni was also with me... He was like wow I thought they hated each other or something... 😅😅

Kyosuke - Class is about to start... Let's go... Tsubasa...

Tsubasa- Sure... ( blushes)

Kyo - ( Mind) Looks like my bro is flirting 😏... Not bad huh Takumi is not around.. 🤣

Rei - Ayanokoji kun ... Listen hmm what's your plan? I mean about the test... If you realized... Our papers are gonna be made by first years... And we have to make first years paper.... Third years are exchanging themselves...

Kyo - Ok... I don't know ☺

Rei - I will kill you one fine day...

Kyo - Oh really try me Rei..

Ai - Kyo... I need to talk to you...

Kyo - Ai... What's a first year doing in a second year classroom

Rei - Ryuen Ai.? ( Mind) She looks good ✨

Ai - I need to talk to you...

Kyo - Sure what's up? Listen have you heard about the exam

Ai - Exactly what I wanted to tell you was Kyokos class is making the paper...My class is making for Takumi class

Kyo - Oh! I see... Thank you... My dear 💕junior.. Ai 😉(he winks)

Ai- Baka .. I am leaving I have class...

Kyo - Hmm ( Mind) Kyoko ha.. Oi Kyosuke come here

Kyosuke - What's it? Who's making the paper

Kyo - Our sister... Ayanokoji Kyoko

Kyosuke - she is making the paper...

Kyo - Yes... And do you think she has a plan..?

Kyosuke- Can't lie but our sister is too smart 👍😎... She is wise... Her moments can be unpredictable... She is just like dad...

Kyo- I know ☺... But what do we have ... We are making paper for her class..

Kyosuke - Damn this is interesting...

Kyosuke /Kyo - How will you play little sister?

Kyoko - Brother ... I won't back down ... (Smirks😏)

( Kiyotaka- Siblings are going against each other...

Kei - I am worried... 😥😔

Kiyotaka- They would be fine ...Trust me

Chabashira sensei - This sure gets interesting)

Class - D

Kyoko -  We are going to make papers for Class 2-B is that heard.. People are wise... And I expect no failures

Izumi - ( His legs were on the table) Oi... No one is fucking this paper

Chabashira- ( Mind) Ryuen... Literal father... And kids... Man That Ibuki really gave birth to 5kids just like him...

( Ibuki - Ehhh..... Like him I think it's good

Kiyotaka- What will you do Kyoko Kyo and Kyosuke... How will you play)

Class - C

Ai - So we are making papers for Class -A... SO NONE IS FUCKING UP IS THAT HEARD?

Akio - Yeah no one is funking this paper up... We expect no expels...

( Ryuen - My princess

Arisu - My son)

Class - B


Himari - He means do well... We don't want anyone to fail or get expelled...

Katsumi - Oi you stand up move NOW.. ( He sits on the girls empty chair facing Manabe Shina) Manabe Shina... ( he slaps her cheeks) YOU BETTER STOP BETRAYING THE CLASS... WEREN'T YOU THE TRAITOR WHO PAIRED WITH KUSHIDA THAT DAY... DURING THE SPECIAL EXAM ON THE BEACH HUH? I KNOW IT WAS YOU

Manabe Shina - Please Stop Katsumi... It's hurts ( she weeps to which he pressured her)

Katsumi- Maybe you should stop being a bitch.. Then... If you spill the questions we prepare... I am sure to slam your face on the table or the wall... You choose

Himari - ( Pulls Katsumi's hand) That's enough Katsumi... ( He stares at her... She stares back)
So as said score well...

( Ibuki - He is just like you... Kakeru

Teachers - Another Ryuen

Kei - I thought he was different... But nah)

Class - A

Aki - Guys you need to score well... We also have to make papers

Sara - I mean Aki is right we have to do well

Asahi - Class D, Class C and Class B are not bad either...
We have Ayanokoji Kyoko and Ryuen Izumi from D

Ryen Ai and Sakayanagi Akio from Class C

Ryuen Katsumi and Ichinose Himari from Class B and we are going against seniors...

So I expect perfect scores from hard no mark below 33 is gonna pass...

( Kiyotaka- Finally drama... 🎭I wanna see your games kids... ☺

Kei - You smiled ☺)

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