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(Jirou's POV)

"This would look nice on you."

"You think so? Okay, I'll go try it on."

Denki and I were out shopping. He wanted to find some new clothes, so I tagged along with him.

While I was waiting for him to come out of the fitting room, I caught sight of someone I never wanted to see again.


It's my ex. I tried moving my phone in front of my face to hide, but it was no use. He already saw me.

I tensed up, and my heart started racing as he began to walk in my direction. I was really about to run out of that store, but Denki steps out in front of me.

"What do you think? Nice, right?" He asks, but then sees my deer-in-headlights expression.

"What? What's wrong?" He turns around to see what I'm looking at. Just as he does that, my ex turns around and acts like he's minding his own business.

"N-Nothing. You look nice. You should get it." I kind of rushed us out of there, keeping an eye on the person I was trying to avoid.

I thought he would leave me alone after we left that store. I thought I was in the clear, but as we walked to the next store, I looked over my shoulder, and there he was just a few paces behind. He's following us.

Denki noticed me constantly peeking over my shoulder.

"Kyo, are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

I pull him down to whisper, "I think my ex is following us. That's him in the white hoodie behind us."

We kept walking, but Denki looks over his shoulder this time.

Denki pulls my hand in front of him, "Go inside that store over there. I'll talk to this guy."

"Denki, please don't do anything drastic-"

"Kyo." He says, "Trust me."

(Kaminari's POV)

I watch Kyouka walk into the store before turning around.

"Hey." I confront him, "Is there a reason you're following my girlfriend?"

This is the first time I'm really seeing this guy. Kyo never described him to me or anything. I admit, he looked a little intimidating, but he didn't scare me.

He scoffs, "So she has a boyfriend now."

"Answer my question."

"Jirou and I have some things left to settle. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

He tries to walk past me, but I block his path.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere near her."

His gaze turned dark, "You should move. Or else I'm gonna go through you."

"I'd like to see you try."

He takes a step back.

"Look." I say, "She wants nothing to do with you. You better leave her alone before we get the police involved."

He sighs, and I thought he was about to walk away, but in one quick movement, he launches himself at me. He threw almost all of his weight at me, knocking me off my feet.

I fell on my butt as he ran right past me towards that store.

"Stop!!" I yell as I chase after him.

I got to him right as he reached for the door. I tackled him, and the two of us rolled onto the ground.

I had him down for a moment, but he was struggling.

"What do you want with her?! She's scared of you! You really think she'd take you back after what you did?!" I yelled at him.

One of his arms slipped free from my grasp. I wasn't paying attention.

He swung and punched me across my left cheek.

I could hear people around us trying to get help.

"You don't know anything!" He shouts, trying to swing at me again, but I blocked it this time.

I pushed him down by his shoulders, and his head hit the ground kind of hard.

At this point, security arrived and pulled us apart. They didn't know what happened, so we were both in trouble. They separated us to question us. I saw Kyo finally come out of that store. She looked worried, like she wanted to come to me, but I could tell she still didn't want to get anywhere near her ex.

I looked at her and mouthed, "It's okay."

She nods before finding a spot to stay and keep her distance.

They let me go before him. I went straight up to Kyo, took her hand, and kept walking towards the bus stop.

"So...what?" She asks, "You're free to go?"

I nod, "Yeah. Let's go home."

Kyo said she saw what happened, but she couldn't hear what either of us had said.

At home, we sat on the couch and talked. She held an ice pack to my cheek as she ran her fingers over my hair.

"You're not hurt anywhere else?" She asks.

"No. I'm okay."

"What did he say to you?"

I shake my head, "It doesn't matter. Let's just say he won't be bothering you anymore."

She sighs quietly, "I'm sorry I got you dragged into this."

"It's not your fault, Kyo. I'm just glad you left his sorry ass."

She laughs a little at my remark.

"Thank you for having my back." She says, kissing my forehead, "I really don't know what I'd do without you."

"I'd do anything for you, Kyo."

After that encounter, Kyo was able to file a restraining order on him for stalking.

It took every ounce of strength in my body to keep myself from absolutely pummeling this guy. The anger in me pushed him to push him against the ground, but I didn't want to injure him severely. I didn't want to end up in jail for that.

I have no idea what he was trying to get to her for. It's not like she would want to have a conversation with him. Worries me what he would've done if he did get to her.

But it doesn't matter. I won't let anything happen to her on my watch.

I'm glad Kyouka and I found each other again.

I'm glad she feels safe with me.

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