elite Four meet volt tackler leader

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11:15 am

Rika enjoying cup of tea at outside of cafe in megasoza city to watching two x-wings flying pass by the city until she heard a voice front of her, "hello there." She look forward to see friede with a smile on his face and said, "you must be rika the paldea region elite Four." Rika replied, "the one and only buddy."

Friede: "I am friede and this is captain Pikachu."

Captain Pikachu: "pika."

Friede: "I heard from my old friend of mine this morning about you dating her daughter liko yesterday."

She take a sip of tea little bit and stop begun replied back to him in kindness, "you know it friede, she's beautiful and kind person in paldea region I ever met in my life." Both captain Pikachu and friede happy for rika dating liko but she didn't know liko is volt tackler member  to stay here while ship repaired and hiding from the explorers so friede played it cool until then and said, "keep her straight for me because she's too stubborn like her mother."

Rika: "no problem friede."

At academy schoolyard with liko and her friends exit the building in their normal clothes to outside begun noticed parked section 41 transporter at right side lawn with captain mei who waving at them so they decided go walk over there and captain mei said, "you kids heading to cortondo town right because this transporter will take you three quick." The trio surprise about transporter take them to cortondo town quick and liko said to her in polite, "thank you for doing that, ma'am." Captain mei replied, "no problem kiddo."

At levinica city with iono and her pokemon, bellibolt at iono luxury penthouse next to three huge buildings through the window inside the living room to see four tie-fighers flying by in her hometown.

Iono: "ooh this is my live stream for my followers can see it on their rotom phones today."

At academy entrance hall with anne, nemona, onigiri, dendra, and kira walk down the stairs to entrance hall noticed dictator clavell talking to geeta and hassel when they approach the trio and geeta said to them in kindness, "heading somewhere?" Anne replied, "we heading to section 27 to check out the place that's all ma'am."

Dictator clavell: "that's wonderful Idea my dear. I hope you all meet people who friended with the league of section alliances."

Kira: "we will sir."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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