The past #13 (part two) English

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We find ourselves at Professor Maxwell's house where a beautiful sunrise wakes up Louis who is ready to start a new day.

Louis starts his day doing his exercise routine with push-ups, sit-ups and handstand push-ups. After that, Louis takes a bath and gets ready to go out.

Professor Maxwell, I would like to know if you need me to do some Jobs [Louis asked on the stairs].

No Louis, don't worry... You know, you should go to the castle now, who knows why Mei would need you [the professor responded].

You come? [Asked turning to look at Professor Maxwell]

No, I must finish my robot now that the city is safe [said the professor].

I understand... Well, professor, I'll leave [Louis said, lowering his head a little and leaving through the front door].

Sir, here's your coffee [Hanks said with a tray in his hand].

Thanks Hanks [the professor responded while drinking some coffee].

Where is Louis going today professor? [Hanks asked].

Well, Mei will probably do tests today or who knows, we will try to continue with the robot [said the professor, sitting in a chair].

Then I will prepare all, professor[said Hanks leaving].

Thanks Hanks... I don't know what I would do without you my friend [expressed while continuing to drink coffee].

Meanwhile Louis ran towards the castle while saying good morning to every person he ran into... Finally he arrived at the castle.

Good morning [Louis said to the guards at the entrance].

"Good morning, sir ," the guards responded.

Why did they call me sir? Do I look so old? [Louis thought worried later of hearing the guards].

Louis was heading to the castle gate, Louis entered and met Mei in the meeting room.

You're very early Louis... [Mei said a little disheveled while Clara rested on her shoulder].

Well... I like to be punctual [said Louis touching his head].

Take a seat, the others will arrive [Mei expressed as she left the room yawning through the door].

Hmm maybe I came a little early [Louis said looking at the room clock 6:20 AM (the meeting was at 7:00)]

After many minutes waiting and investigating the room, Louis sat down at a circular table. The room was two floors, it had armchairs, tables and a table with technology in the middle of the entire room. It also had two very large windows that allowed the sun to illuminate the room. Suddenly the door to the right of the room opened, and Yina entered with a brown armor with black lines below the chest and between her arms and at her side a boy with a black trench coat, white shirt, and gray pants. and brown hair and eyes.

 and brown hair and eyes

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