1| Unbreak My Heart

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September 23.That's the day Hayes Fletcher did it. Friday September 23 was the day he chose to break my heart. And it was the day after September 23 that I decided I didn't need him anymore. If he needed space I would give him that. I would let him go.

And I did.

'Unbreak My Heart' by Toni Braxton blasted through my airpods when I opened the wooden door of Ms. Duncan's 2nd hour English class which was ironic for two reasons. One being that today was September 23 and two being  the fact that the very boy who destroyed my heart was sitting in his seat right smack in the middle of the classroom. Attempting to subtly copy down the notes that were due today from Darby Webber, a senior on the football team and his best friend.

Somehow Darby being Darby he was still the smartest one on the team. Hayes was never the best at the academic side of life but he also didn't suck.

But what did suck about him was now he had turned in a self absorbed loser who had tried to win me back several times in the nearly 2 months we'd been back from  summer break.

"Shaw, haven't seen you in a minute." Haye's annoying voice says from behind. I can almost picture the devious smirk he has on his face.

I not going to let him have this one. He doesn't deserve it.

"I'm glad that this is the only class I have you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand looking at you for much longer!" I retort spinning around in my seat.

"You were looking at me, I'm flattered!" Hayes said placing to hands over his  heart like he actually felt touched by my words.

"You are such a dipshit!" I muttered underw my breath.

I'm not sure if I can survive this year without wanting to crawl into a corner and cry.

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