Curse no. 3

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One time Jack is cursed, another when Alex is, and a third when they almost do it to someone else.

For the May All Time Low Microfic Challenge: Curse

@aweirdkindofyellow sent me this Alex picture and it went downhill from there.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.

From the comfort of his soon to be childhood bedroom, Alex hears Jack cursing from the kitchen.

"Those fucking bastards!"

Curses, that only mean one thing: that Jack is in trouble.

Yet, when Alex finds his boyfriend moments later, it's to Jack standing at the island with a sheet in his hands, looking downright miserable.

"Jack," Alex starts in sympathy, "What's with all the screaming?"

Glancing back and forth from his boyfriend to the official looking white sheet, Jack pouts, his tone babyish.

"The people at Townson refused my request to be with you in a dorm." He says, then mumbles, "Something about needing to be with my emotional support boyfriend not being a valid excuse for a transfer."

Accustomed to, but nonetheless, always surprised in some way by his boyfriend's reasoning, or lack of, Alex retorts with a scoff.

"Emotional support boyfriend? What a stupid ass excuse. No wonder they said no."

"I thought it would work, okay?" Jack pleads, before sighing in defeat, "I'm sorry, Lex, but we won't be rooming together for freshman year after all."

Taking in the desperation in his boyfriend's voice, Alex's heart instantly shatters, but ever the optimist, quickly gets repaired with the promise of opportunities, mischievous ones at that.

"So, I guess we'll have to break curfew and sneak out at midnight to hook up, then."


 Barely an hour into their honeymoon and Jack finds himself trying to keep up with an infuriated Alex storming out of Arrivals to grab a cab to their villa.

"Alex, stop!" Jack shouts from behind the elder while also trying to navigate his luggage, "You're overacting!"

Stopping dead in his tracks, his husband, with a carry-on strap on one shoulder, turns around to glare at Jack in complete agony, a look caused none other the recent curse inflicted on the elder.

That is, of his suitcase not being on the luggage carousel, because of an airport mix-up.

Profiting as such from Alex's sudden break in temper, Jack easily walks over to his husband, then stands across from him with a smile.

"Lex," Jack begins gently, "You're getting your stuff in three days, just like the lady at the booth said, so you can calm down, alright?"

Yet, for all of Jack's attempts at empathy, this just spurs on Alex even more.

"Yeah, and until then, what the fuck and I am going to wear, Jack?"

"I mean," Jack, ever dirty minded ponders, "It's not like we'll be leaving the room much anyway so how about," he shrugs with an eyebrow raise, "nothing"?

Suddenly no longer upset by the ordeal but rather interested by Jack's suggestion, Alex gazes darkly at him, a similar proposal on his tongue.

"I'll just wear your clothes instead. God only knows how much you love seeing me in them."


The startling realization hits them as they stand in front of the hospital's nursery, where sleeps the newest addition to their family, an adopted three-hour-old baby girl.

"We're going to have to find her a name eventually." Jack voices the shared thought first.

"Yeah," Alex agrees from next to his husband, "Any ideas?"

"Geez, Lex, I don't know." Jack hesitates, racking a hand through his hair in nervousness, "How about Jalexina?"

Instantly anguished by such a horrifying thought, Alex twists his body to face Jack's, arms crossed over his chest, eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flared in disbelief, not caring for the public setting.

"Jalexina Barakat-Gaskarth? Seriously, Jack? Seriously?"

"It's not my fault!" Jack exclaims in defense, "You put me on the spot when you know how much I suck at this sh—"

"So, it's not enough," Alex cuts him off, "That she has us as parents, but now you want to curse her even more by giving her a horrible name?"

Hurt by his husband's rejection, Jack retreats into himself, voice low in shame.

"It was meant to be a tribute to our names." He explains, then retorts just as quickly with a movement of the head "Do you have a better idea?"

Sighing, Alex racks a hand through his hair in reply, just as defeated.

"That's why I asked you. I don't know shit about this either."      

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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