10 | The Wedding

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The room is silent as Drupada processes the story he has just been told.


The Pandavas are the incarnations of Indra, Maharaja! And your daughter is Indrani. Do you not see now why they are destined for each other?

Drupada nods mutely. His mind is changed.

Vyasa continues to speak.


Krishnaa asked Shankara himself for five husbands. She was an unwed kanya in her previous life, who performed austerities and asked Mahadeva for a husband five times. This union is blessed by him!

Drupada considers all that he has been told.


One final thing, Drupada. I will give you divyadrishti so that you may look upon them with your own eyes.

Vyasa raises his hand in blessing. Drupada's vision transforms.

Objects shines with more radiance; the sage beside him is robed in a brilliant light.

He looks further to where Yudhishthira is seated. He sees an aura of power around him, the power of Indra. He looks youthful, garlanded and holding the power of the skies in his hands. He belatedly notices Dhrishtadyumna's flame-edged raiment.

He looks even further to where the four younger Pandavas wait, restless. All of them shine with the same power that Yudhishthira holds.

He is drawn instinctively to Krishnaa. The power that she is illuminated with is the same and yet a more feminine form of Aindra Shakti. There is a glow around her body, and she appears even more otherworldly.

With a gasp, he lurches back into himself.

Vyasa wears a knowing smile as Drupada flinches with the disappearance of his divyadrishti.

He breathes heavily for a few minutes, collecting his thoughts and all the information he has been told.


Do you see why their union is according to dharma now, Drupada?

The world waits to see what Drupada has to say.



I only disagreed because I did not know this, Maharshi! I cannot act against what has been doubly ordained! The knot tied by destiny cannot be undone.

Since Krishnaa herself asked for this, and since Bhagavan Shankara has blessed their union, I will commit no sin.

Let them take her hand as they wish!

Vyasa smiles. They rise. Vyasa walks out, and Drupada returns.

Samsrishti | ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ