"Outside of New York, honey, you always kept our kids close to home for business." said Ariana.

"My other men were busy, so I sent Anthony, calm down, Ariana, our boy is safe and will be home in a couple weeks." hissed Hadrian.

He stands up to pocket his gun, passing Ariana to kiss her cheek. Marie watches her father leave to look at her mother, who didn't look convinced.

Her mother was a very smart woman, she could easily see through bullshit. Which means her father was hiding something.

Ariana then turns her sharp gaze to her oldest.

"Andre, where exactly is Anthony?"

The dark haired man looks away, quickly pocketing his gun.

"You heard Dad, Ma, Anthony is fine." he said.

"I didn't ask if Anthony is fine, I asked where he is." said Ariana.

Andre seems to sweat, something he never does. Only their mother could make him sweat like this.

"Anthony is fine!" Andre yelled.

He gets up and rushes out the kitchen, slamming the front door shut. Marie looks to where her older brother went to become more worried.

She turns to her mother, who was now staring at the kitchen table silently.

"Ma, why are Dad and Andre lying to us?" asked Marie.

She quietly waits for her mother to answer when the white haired woman jumps back in fright. Her mother had moved, violently stabbing a large kitchen knife through the wooden kitchen table.

"Because your father knows he did something I won't like or forgive." she growled.

Ariana might be a kind, sweet woman, but threaten her children and she got violent.

Marie shivers as she watches her mother rip the knife out of the table. Ariana smiles sweetly at her daughter.

"Don't worry, Sweetie, I'll find out where Anthony is, and depending on the situation, we'll see if I won't chop off your father's pride, fry it up and then shove it down his throat." said Ariana, smiling brightly.

Marie shakes a bit as she watches her mother leave the kitchen. She's so happy she's not Dad or Andre.

Marie sighs to move to the stairs, climbing up them to stop at Anthony's door. She cracks open the door to walk inside. Marie stands before her brother's bed to fall on it, hugging the pillow.

Silently, Marie cries, she hated being separated from her twin.

Where was he, and why was Dad lying about where he is?

"Anthony, come home, I miss you." sobbed Marie.

She continues to cry, burying her face more into the pillow.

Unaware to her, a shadow moves, watching her cry before slipping out of the room.


Anton was at his wit's end.

It's been a week since he saw Anthony, and he was no where to be found.

Even his shadows couldn't find him!

He was walking down the street, grumbling as he makes his way to the store.

Without Anthony, Anton has gotten more and more short tempered, even Harold and Natalie were getting scared. He snapped at poor Natalie for dropping a napkin, and almost broke Harold's arm when he tried to calm him down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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