Rosaline's Resolve

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Juliet and I walk through the orchard on the Capulet grounds. She looks radiant under the cool autumn sunset. Evening is upon us, and the chill seems only to increase.

"Cousin?" questions Juliet.

"Yes?" I responded reproachfully.

"How goes your secret courtship?"

"I don't wish to discuss this, Juliet. I've already told you that you'll be the first to know if he wishes to approach the conversation of marriage. Benvolio doesn't want to upset his uncle, so he insists that this remain a private ordeal." Juliet just won't drop the subject of my affair with Benvolio. I believe she finds it romantic that we're from opposing families. The idea of star-crossed lovers intrigues her, and it worries me to think that someday she'll have a doomed love story such as my own.

Everything is fine for the moment, but I know Benvolio will eventually leave due to the pressure of an ever demanding lord uncle. Lord Montague is going to be the end to my happiness, yet he'll never be privy to the knowledge that my heart is breaking into hundreds of fragments all because of his ridiculous feud with my own uncle.

"But you love him, Rosie!" Juliet loudly interrupts my internal dialogue.

"So it would seem, but he doesn't love me enough to share this esoteric affair with the world. Come along, Juliet, we must prepare ourselves for supper." We hurry back to the mansion so that we have an ample amount of time to dress for dinner.

Once we come upon the grand stairwell leading to our rooms, we quickly part ways to get ready for our evening meal. The next few hours seem to go by as quickly as a flash of lightning, and suddenly I'm on my way to sneak off the Capulet grounds.

Benvolio decided that tonight would be the perfect time to spend the evening together without being found out by our families, and I can't help but recall our first time meeting as I walk briskly towards our secret spot.


"Do you need a bit of assistance?" I ask the man in front of me as he struggles to calm down his horse.

"No no, I'm quite alright." He responds as the horse once again snorts angrily.

"Oh do move over!" I command and hastily soothe the unruly animal.

"What witchcraft is this?" The man lightly teases. "I've been trying to pacify her for the last twenty minutes! You must share your horse placating secrets or I shall never be able to ride her home!"

"A woman never reveals her secrets." I say in a conspiratorial tone.

"Then you must at least tell me your name so I can find you again if I am ever in need of a horse whisperer."

"I'm Rosaline, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Now, would you be so kind as to share your name as well?"

"I am Benvolio, at your service." He laughs and swiftly bows. "I suppose I shall see you around the city in the future?"

"Perhaps" His only response to my aloof manner of speaking is a good-natured chuckle that makes me want to see him again. "Well, Benvolio, it was nice to meet you. Maybe we'll happen upon each other again in the future."

"Farewell for now, my beautiful Rosaline, until we meet again." He bows once more, and we go our separate ways.


I smile at the memory of my first encounter with my one true love. While approaching our secret meeting place I am once again in awe of the beauty that the willow tree provides. Our bench rests at the trunk of the willow, and the flowing leaves seem to dance in the gentle breeze. These are the very same leaves that make our spot so special, they create a sort of enchanting space that shuts out the rest of the world when Benvolio and I are alone. This tree represents our love, but it is also a constant reminder that we cannot show our love for all the world to see, our relationship would create a horrendous scandal if either of our families ever found out.
Suddenly, I hear Benvolio approaching.
"Greetings, horse whisperer."

Rosaline's ResolveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora