{1} A normal Day

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it was 6:30 in the morning and everyone was up and eating breakfast and it was loud downstairs 

And Fed was in the basement with Sac I wonder what their doing

No will and can go in the basement it's to scary in their for them, every time they walk in the basement in felt like someone was watching them and they just got stabbed by 15 cold knives (Weird)

Some people were watching Tv in the living room, because they find everyone annoying 

Leen: "Hey Ivy do you know why Fed and Sac are in the basement"

Ivy just shrugged, so Ivy and Leen went upstairs Venus was watching Tv until the best idea she ever had came in her mind

Venus: "I can prank Fara, for fucking my nephew!"  Venus though "Haha I'm so smart" 

Venus got up from the couch 

Venus: "I have to be sneaky 😈"

Venus does cartwheel but lands on her shoulder then she gets up and run upstairs the falls the runs into her room and grabs some tape. Then runs to Fara's room Fara was asleep Venus then put tape all over Fara's head 

Venus: "Haha get pranked"

Venus went downstairs to watch some Tv with the others

Fara woke up

Fara: *Yawns* "Ugh, where is Pikachu"

Fara goes downstairs 

Everyone: *Gaspsss😧😧*

Fed: "Fara your haur!"

Oti: "Fed its hair, not haur"

Fara felt his hair and felt tape then he took off the tape

Oti: *Gasp*

Fara: "What?"

Fara put his hand on his head 





Fara: "I'm bald!"

Fed: "Mr.Clean is that you!?"

Hong: "I aways knew your hairline is receding, but I never thought it would cum this early"

Fara: *Cries* "ehh ehu" *Dying old man noises*

Fed falls on the floor laughing 

Venus: "Oops that wasn't supposed to happen"  *Venus thought*

Fara: *crying  tea kettle dying old man goat noises*

Oti: "um maybe we should buy Fara a weve"

Fed: "Um actually 🤓👆 its wig not weve"

Oti: "shut up fed no one cares!"

Fed: "Um actually it's Shut up, no one cares!"

Oti: "ugh"

Oti and Fara drive to the wig store

Oti buys Fara a wig that looks like his old hair

Fara: "Thanks Pikachu"

Oti: "Don't call me that!"

Fara: *Smirks* "Pikachu-"

Oti snatched Fara's wig

Yeosm but they live TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now