ch-13 : Concert!

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Noah POV:-
As we all saw. Iris get a call from a contact named dragon... she picks it up

"Hello?!"She says on the phone

"Why did u call me?" A voice from the phone askes.

"Just to ask, when are you going to come back Leader!?" She says on the phone

"LEADER!!?" I, Chris and lucas say in shock. Iris Than looks at us....we look at each other and burst out laughing

"What's going on there?" Eric askes iris from the phone

"Uh.....they are going crazy!" She says

"Like always!, well I'll be back in 15 minutes..." Eric Says on the call. We continue laughing

"K bye!" With that iris cuts the call " Why are yall laughing??" She askes us

"You're asking us Why?..., after saving Leader name as dragon..." Chris says while laughing

"But it actually suits him.." I say

"Yeah!" Lucas says while agreeing with me. Chris than grabs Iris's hand and pulls her and makes her sit on his laps

"So smart!" He says to iris while kissing her check

"Be careful. Her boyfriend will be here any minute, and he will kill you!" Lucas says to Chris while I giggle

"Hey!, he is not my boyfriend!!" Iris yells

"Who?" Lucas askes

"Leader!." She replies

"Well, we didn't mention Leader's name at all!!" I say with a grine

" I guess someone is in love...." Chris says while holding iris tightly and he pulls her more close.......just than Eric enters

"What's going on here?!" He askes while removing his shoes. But as I, Chris and lucas see Eric. we couldn't help but laugh thinking about this dragon thing

"Why are yall laughing?" Eric askes us again

"Nothing..." we reply.

"BTW, Mr.Andrew said we have a concert tomorrow!" Eric says while coming near us.

"Will the other groups be there?" Iris askes Eric

"Yep!" He replies

"Well you won't believe, what happened here before..." I say trying not to laugh

"What?" He askes

I was going to reply but iris covers my mouth with her hand and says "Nothing. He is just joking.."

"Okay....I'll go freshen up than!" With that Eric goes upstairs to his room. Rest of the night goes normal

Time skips~

The Next day....

Iris POV:-
It was 6pm now. We had reached the concert place.... today whole morning went by as were  going inside our fans were shouting out "XSTAR!" "XSTAR!" "XSTAR" ................I Love this a lot. Seeing all the fans makes us feel loved. Without them we would have been nothing........ we then go and sit on our places. I see that many other groups were also present. Our performance was 2nd and we all rocked like the others.  After our performance we come and sit on our places. And we continue watching others performance. Alina was also present there. She comes near us

"Yall did great!" Alina says to us

"Thx!, and all the best for your performance.." Lucas says

"Eric!, you also did great!!" Alina says with a smile

"I didn't ask for your compliment..." Eric says in a cold tone. That was a bit rude of him.

"Okay, anyway know Naomi is also here!!" She says

"Really?!" I ask

"Yep" she says

"Where is she?" I ask

"In the crowed maybe.." she says while looking at the crowd

"I can't wait to meet here..!" I say excitedly

"Me too; we can meet her after the concert!.....,will I'll go now it's our turn to perform..." Alina says

"K best of luck!" I say to her and she waves bye at me and goes

"Who is Naomi?" Chris askes me

"Naomi is one of my friends.!" I reply.  Naomi has been my friend since childhood and because of her I meet Alina. We three our actually very good friends "and she is also Damien's ex-girlfriend" I continue

"Really!?" Noah says while turning towards me

"Yep!" I reply.  When we were young I and Naomi were in the same class, so i used to tell her all about Damien a lot. Once I made them meet also, since than Damien, Naomi and I  started hanging out together and than later something happened between them. Than Naomi told me that she and Damien started Dating. I was really happy for them

"Hey, how did Damien and Naomi break up??!" Chris askes me

"They were totally different from each other; Damien loved sports, making new friends, talking, playing video games and hated books and was also carefree.... while Naomi loved reading books, responsibility and also smart. She was also a it didn't work out." I reply

"Now I think I, Noah, lucas and you are more like Damien!" Chris says to me

"And Leader is like Naomi!" Noah continues

"Introduce Naomi to Leader, I'm sure Naomi will fall in love with him!!" Lucas says

"No!, Naomi doesn't like boys who are rude and...." i than whispers into Eric's ear "and are so romantic and do those kinds of things"

"And what?, tell us also!" Chris says to me

"It's a secret!" I reply

"Oh come on!, Leader tell us na..??!" Noah askes

"No way.." Eric replies

Time skips~

After the concert I and Alina go to meet Naomi

"I missed yall so much.." Naomi says to us

"We did too...!" I reply

"So.. what are u doing this days??" Alina askes Naomi.

"I'm studying to become a lawyer!..." Naomi replies

"Oh all the best for that!" I wish her

"And anyways iris; is Eric your boyfriend...?" She askes me

"No!, No!,......what made you think that?"  I ask her

"I saw him looking at you most of the time..." she replies

"Oh that's normal!," I say. That idiot Eric will always put me in trouble

"Forget about that; Iris I think we should go back it's getting late....we will get shouting" Alina says

"Yeah your right!! Bye " I say while waving my hand

"Bye!," Naomi waves back at me and than I go

To be continued...(´・ェ・`)

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