Author's Note

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Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it! I've worked hard on it and the support means a lot! <3

I'm sure you all have busy lives, but if you have the time, please check out my other stories! My Best Friend's Girlfriend and Imperfect are both Sokeefe Human AUs, and I totally recommend reading them!

Any follows, votes, and comments are well appreciated, and if you follow me, I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can!

If you have any book recommendations please share! I'm super into classics, fantasy, dystopian, and mystery, and I'm always looking for more to read! I'm also considering publishing a book recommendations book!

Finally, if you have any suggestions for more fanfictions, please tell me! I write Kotlc, Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games!

Thank you so much! I love you all!

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