Chapter 12 - Practice

Beginne am Anfang

Acharya ji announced, "This week, we had learnt about controlling your powers without using hands.  Infact, you all might have seen during the Sarvayogita competition, how Rashmi was captured under the ground but still able to use her powers.  So concentrate on your senses and utilize your powers".  Saying so, he moved away to overlook the practice.

Agneya tied Rashmi's hands with the cloth distributed to everyone and created a double edged sword with a handle in the middle, which was made of lightning and thunder.  He rotated it around him in such a way that even air would be difficult to pass through.

  He rotated it around him in such a way that even air would be difficult to pass through

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(Imagine this as if made from ⚡ thunder)

Rashmi put her full concentration on him and focussed on her power, which rained on him in the form of small thunder strikes.  Agni dodged those small strikes by swiftly rotating the double edged sword, although he felt a numbing sensation on his hand, due to those thunder strikes hitting his sword which is also made of thunder, ultimately giving a tingling feeling on his hands.

Atlast, Rashmi focussed immense power and stroke a full on thunder from the sky towards him.  Agneya used his sword to push against the thunder and eventually defended against it.  Rashmi stopped her attack as she grew tired of using her eyes to control the power.

Agneya looked at her from his place and realised that she has more power than what she lets out.  This is because he felt her power when it pushed him a few steps back from his original position.  And he had to enforce his full power to contain her attack.

Agni ran towards Rashmi as he saw her falling backwards.  He held her and slowly placed her on the ground, with her head on his lap.  He lightly slapped her face to make her open her eyes, but to no avail.  The Acharyas also came towards them along with few other students. 

One of the Acharyas asked a girl student to take Rashmi to her chamber as she needs rest to recover from the tiredness.  Agneya wanted to object them but kept his silence to avoid any kind of suspicions.  Rashmi was brought to her chamber and Dakini was sitting nearby to look after her.  Suddenly Agneya entered the chamber through his portal and Dakini was shocked on seeing him suddenly inside the chamber. 

Agneya came near the bed where Rashmi is sleeping and asked Dakini, "Did she wake up?".  The shocked maid nodded in no and saw him standing near the bed while still looking at Rashmi.  Dakini immediately brought a stool for him to sit beside the bed on the other side, which he accepted.


While they were practicing in the ground, Dakshesh reached women's residence where charusheela is staying and using his powers, he reached the window of her room and entered inside.  He saw Charusheela laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.  He went near her and sat beside her on the bed.  Charu looked at him as he cupped her face and hugged him immediately. 

Dakshesh was confused as she had never initiated any physical touch and even stopped him when he tried to hug her.  He realised that she is too emotional or scared about something and that's why she is behaving differently.  So he rubbed her back and then pulled her away from him and he got panicked on seeing her tear strained face.

Dakshesh asked her in a panicked voice, "What happened Sheela?  Did anyone say anything?  Did your sister fight with you again?".  Charu shook her head in no and informed him about her nightmares and whispering voices but kept away the incident regarding the forbidden gate.

Dakshesh was shocked but comforted her saying that they will find a solution to this problem.  She calmed down on hearing his words and felt safe after hearing that he will be there to support her.  He laid her down after she fell asleep and felt bad that she couldn't even sleep due to this fear.

Dakshesh felt that this issue is something mysterious and decided to inform Samrat regarding this issue and may be bring Charusheela to the palace as his secondary wife as soon as possible.

Samrat - Emperor
Samragyi - Empress
Rajkumar - Prince
Bratashree - Brother
Bhabhishree - sister-in-law
Acharya - Master/Teacher
Mamashree - Uncle (Mother's Brother)
Mamishree - Aunt (Mother's brother's wife)
Bade - elder or big
Chote - younger or small


Hi Guys,

Sorry for yesterday.  But from this week onwards I will update twice but shorter updates.  Current updates usually have 1500 words but hereafter 1000 words for shorter updates.

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