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Throughout our time as salvatores miraculorum, we experience a phenomenon known as 'leveling up' . Not literal levels, but the more we fight, the stronger we and our abilities get. Every magical hero works this way, it's just the natural cycle of training, perseverance and experience of course.
Although, the system known as the 'Magis system' allows more depth into this domain. This concept dives into the idea that everything that works hard enough deserves its reward. And so by unlocking magis, salvatores miraculorum discover stronger abilities and even a secondary costume.
How does this concept work?
Well, when a salvator miraculorum 'level up' a certain amount of time, which is unidentified and shall one day be counted, although it is the same amount of 'levels' for each individual, they reach their second magis, and unlock their secondary costume.
The secondary costume brings a new fresh sensation while still staying loyal to the concept and patterns that the first one brought. The first costume can still be used at any time. To choose one, one may be able to think about the costume they want to wear before transforming. If they do not, the first one originally gets reused.

There are five magis accessible, the first one is through the revelation of one's special destiny, and then is when the concept of 'leveling up' takes place.
Here is the concept :

-Magis 0 : Before the physical awakening of a salvator miraculorum.

-Magis 1 : Awakening

-Magi 2 : Progress, secondary costume gets obtained.

-Magi 3 : Progress

-Magi 4 : Progress

-Magi 5 : Progress, get much stronger.

Note that the Magis system does not apply to ultimates forms at all.

(Inspired by Reverse : 1999 Insights' concept.)


Hello guys! Thank you for taking your te and reading this chapter! I thought adding a system like this would make our(SM) adventures more fun and exciting! So I'm pretty proud of it and how it turned out!

Until our next fateful encounter,

Until our next fateful encounter,-Cupcake

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