Chapter 2: The Flaxans (1)

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Kiyo sighed.

Kiyo: Am I really going to be staring at lumps of flesh the whole night? The evidence all points to Omniman, Cecil. The friction marks, the majority of the blood on him being from the Guardians themselves, the blunt-force bruises across his face and eye from Warwoman's mace, and the bits of Martian Man lingering on his uniform... and if that wasn't enough, he's the only survivor-

Cecil: I KNOW!

The hero remained silent and waited for Cecil's clarification.

Cecil: I know the shithole we're in is deep. Why do you think I put so much effort in Project: Predator?

Kiyo: Obviously because I'm the contingency plan. But judging from his power, I don't think I can take him on in a fight yet. His motivations are completely unclear too. Although we share the same blood, I have no inkling just what Viltrumites are even tasked to do only that they wouldn't be understanding of a half-ling like me.

Cecil: I've narrowed down that one.

Kiyo: Hm?

Cecil: Killing the Guardians of the Globe, now of all makes no sense. If he wanted to turn this planet into a hellscape, he would have done it the moment he touched down 20 years ago. But instead, he agreed to accompany me back to our old Headquarters and answer some questions. Being an alien from who the fuck knows, I needed to take any precaution I could.

He pulled out a video file and it played on a hologram in front of Kiyo. Omniman, in all white, sat down with Cecil inside a room only having a glass panel from the back.

Cecil: One way glass panel so we could see inside but he couldn't see out. Back then, our technology was incredibly shit, so we relied on a single superhero for interrogations, Mr. Lie. He wasn't much of a fighter but tell a lie in front of him and his hair glowed red. Tell a truth, and it was green.

Immediately, Cecil asked questions such as where he came from, and what was his purpose. At that point, Nolan answered.

Nolan: I come from a planet called Viltrum. It's a cool, blue oasis alone in a solar system much like yours. When Viltrumites come of age, we leave Viltrum and venture out into the galaxy, using our abilities to help lesser-developed worlds. That is the sole reason I've been sent here, to be the planet Earth's sole protector.

From the back of the glass panel, Kiyo saw the hero's hair turn red.

Kiyo: Since the beginning-

Cecil: I knew he wasn't who he said he was. But what was I going to do, shoot him with a 9mm and watch him decimate the planet? That's why I played it cool and assembled different contingency plans should he step outta line. Now, we're of the same mind. As far as who Viltrumites truly are, we're both out of the loop.

 Kiyo thought about it for a bit and then came to a conclusion after remembering the scene earlier in the morning. 

Kiyo: The Guardians of the Globe and Omniman have known each other for 20 years and he chose now of all times to kill them himself. If i was going to draw towards a motivation, it might have to do with Mark. 

Cecil: You mean when Mark awakened his powers. 

Kiyo: He would have definitely learned about it today whether it was through the school or Mark telling them. And then there's the case of the rushed job. There was very little premeditation into it. You asked me to check on the security systems and I was able to grap some of his fingerprints on the control room. 

Cecil: He shut off the power and then...

Kiyo: Picked them off in an ambush. They fought back and he decided to feign ignorance by playing dead. He must have underestimated their power. It could be viltrumites are conquerors rather than protectors. I mean, why target the Guardians if that wasn't the goal?

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