"I'm not saying that I don't believe them, it's just there hasn't been any sights of an angel for a hundred years," she says, closing the hologram before turning to Alec.

"So... did you give Calliope a call?" She asked him, a teasing grin on her face as she leaned against the hologram projecting table. "I gave you her contacts and the Paris Institute's, so what's stopping you from calling to say hi?"

Alec avoids her gaze, huffing under his breath knowing that one wrong look at his sister, she would know why he was hesitant to call Calliope. And yes it was about the kiss they shared before she left, he didn't particularly know what it meant, and he was too coward to ask. Not even saying goodbye.

"Alec? Hello!" Isabelle snaps her fingers infront of him impatiently. "Are you going to answer me or not?" She raised a brow at him who only rolled his eyes at her in return. Noticing the avoidant look on his face, a grin returns to her red lips. "okay, tell me everything!"

"There's nothing to tell," Alec rolled his eyes at her.

"There definitely is! You only roll your eyes that much when you're hiding something!" Isabelle laughed, attempting to poke her brother teasingly for his now blooming crush on Calliope Fairchild.

"Hey guys!" A small familiar voice spoke, running towards the siblings. They turned to show identical smiles.

"Hey buddy! How're you doing?" Alec greeted his little brother who ran to hug his legs.

"Max! I missed you so much!" Isabelle cooed, kissing her youngest brother on both cheeks, "you look so handsome, what are you doing here?"

"Alec, Isabelle," another familiar voice spoke, this time the siblings' smiles almost vanished as they turned. There stood their mother, still formal, inquisitive, the usual Lightwood matriarch apparently. "It's good to see you both."

"Really?" Isabelle clicked her tongue, a frown already on her face as she glared at her mother. "Because the last time you were here, you turned your back on all of us. Especially Jace."

"Izzy," Alec warned her. Reminding her that she was still their mother and that they were in front of Max whom they didn't want to see them interact with their mom so negatively.

"I was following orders," Maryse simply says, holding Max's shoulders firmly. "I had no choice," she adds, yet it seems like her answer was not what her children wanted to hear. The awkwardness filling the atmosphere between mother and children, she clears her throat.

"Max has some big news," she says, turning to Max with a gentle look on her face, one that Alec and Isabelle had not seen in a while. "Tell them sweetheart."

Max grins at his siblings, "I passed my last trial. I'm ready for my rune ceremony!"

Surprise and joy made it's way back to Alec and Isabelle's moods, congratulating their youngest brother.

"Congratulations," Alec smiled proudly at him.

"So you finally perfected your roundhouse kick?" Isabelle excitedly asked, mocking a fighting stance that Max copied.

"Yeah, and I knocked out two different instructors," Max proudly tells them, earning praises him his older siblings.

"Sadly, your father won't be able to attend," Maryse tells them, the joy coming to a pause when the siblings turn to their mother in confusion and concern. "Alec, as the eldest male in the family. You will be in charge of Max's ceremonial party," Maryse tries to cheer when she noticed the sudden drop of the mood between them.

"What do you mean he won't be here?" Alec asked, the most confused out of him and Isabelle who was more heartbroken to not see their father since she was the closest to him.

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