Chapter One- Leons POV

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"Cherry was staring at you all of class." Hann, my best friend, told me.

I grabbed my math textbook before turning towards her, "Two things 1, No he wasn't; and 2, even if he was, why should I care.

"You caught the hottest guy in schools eye, and you're just gonna act like you didn't?" she asked, scoffing, "I know if he ever asked me out I would immediately accept."

"He's not gay. He made that clear the first time I ever asked him out." I thought back to 6th grade when I told him how I felt, "Plus I don't like him like that anymore."

"Oh really?" Hann questioned, "Then what about yesterday when you messaged me about how you didn't understand why you still liked him after all this time?"

"Oh, uh… That was a moment of weakness! I don't know what happened, but Claire offered me wine, and I accepted, so I was drunk and out of it, it doesn't count." I explained, blushing at the confession that I had been drinking.

"YOU WERE DRINKING?!" Hann yelled, very aggravatingly as well.

"Be quiet about it, I don't need an administrator on my ass." I shush her, and she calms down a bit.
"Why were you drinking? And without me?" Hann fake gasped, draping her arm over her head, "How could you?"

"Oh shut up. You don't drink." I push her aside, "Plus, we both gotta get to our next class."

"Yeah yeah, whatever, talk to you later loser!" Hann said as she ran to her next class.

I slowly walked to the bathrooms, about to call Claire, and have her pick me up some Chicken fries from Burger King. After I completed that, I headed to class, getting there only like 6 minutes late. I sadly had the last block with Cherry instead of Hann. Cherry... hates my guts to say the least. I came out to him as gay, and he rejected me wholeheartedly. I was then shunned by all my old friends. Luckily Caire and Hann were there. I looked up from my work, to look straight into Cherry's eyes. He blushed looking away quickly, leaving me there looking confused in his direction. I guess he was staring at me. I re-focused on my work, finishing up the last couple of questions, right as the final bell rang. I quickly got my stuff together, and turned in my work, leaving the classroom. On my way out, I was suddenly pushed into the boys bathroom, and shoved against the wall. When I looked up at the person who did it, low and behold it was Cherry.
"Leon..." He murmured, leaning his head closer to mine.

"Yes.. That would be me." I say, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Yo! Cherry! You beatin up the faggot?" One of Cherry's friends had walked in, causing him to stiffen.
Cherry stared at me for a second, frowned, and looked at his friend.

"No, I'm showing him his place, especially when he's dressed like he wants everyone to fuck him." Cherry slowly insulted me, and I frowned.

"I'm wearing a sweater vest." I say, looking down at my outfit.

"And it makes you look like a girl!" The friend cackled, "if you were a girl, I'd be bending you over a desk right now!"

Cherry looked back at me, rolling his eyes, and letting me go.

"Jason, meet me outside the restroom." Cherry instructed his friend, who's name is Jason.
Cherry stared directly into my eyes, let me go, and suddenly I was 5'3 again staring up at Cherry.
"I forgot how tall you were." I commented, grabbing my backpack straps.

Cherry just kind of glared at me, before sighing.
"You should change the way you're dressed, I know there's bad people here, who want to do bad things to you, and I'm the only thing stopping them, you belong to me, no one else." Cherry growled, before leaving the restroom, and me just standing there awkwardly.
Well that was interesting. I shrugged, walking out of the restroom, and out of the school, where Claire was walking up the stairs.

"Oh my god! Leon, where were you? Were you talking to a teacher?" She asked frantically, checking my face for bruising or cuts.

I debated telling her what actually happened, but I decided against it.

"No, I had to use the restroom." I say, walking past her and to her car.

"Ok hun, also your food is on the dash, it's probably a little cold." Claire said, unlocking her car.
I know she knows I'm lying, but it's none of her business. I got in the front seat, thanking her, and eating my food.

"Hey, just to spite some people, can I borrow a skirt tomorrow?" I asked Claire suddenly.

She turned her head towards me slowly, "I mean of course, but it might be a little big cause of the excess fat from when I was pregnant." She replied, "It might be easier to just, buy you a skirt."

I had forgotten about her miscarriage. Her skirts would be too big.

"Yeah, ok. That should work. Do you wanna go to the store now or later?" I ask, and she thinks about it for a second.

"Let's go now since the store is on the way home." she replies, turning into the Walmart parking lot.
I nod, unbuckling my seat belt as soon as she parked her car, and got out. We walked into the store, going to where the skirts are located, and I started browsing my options. At the end, it was between a red and black plaid, blue and black plaid, and a solid black skirt.
"Which one fits me best?" I ask Claire, showing her the options.

"Hmm… The blue matches your eyes, but the red brings out your eyes." She replies, nodding her head, her hand on her chin.

"Yeah, you're right, Ima go with the red one then." I agree, placing the other two back.
We walked to the checkout, and the checkout lady looked at me weird while I swiped my card, but hey, who cares right? We walked out of the store, and finally went home.

A few hours later, I got a call from the local Police. I panic, immediately answering.
"Hello?" I ask cautiously, "Leon Fitz speaking."
"Oh thank god, I thought you wouldn't answer." The voice on the other end said, and it sounded quite familiar.

"Well, yes, who is this?" I ask, relaxing a bit.
"It's.. Cherry." Cherry sighed, "I don't know anyone else's number."

"Oh. Do you want me to send a message to Carmen or something?" I question, laying back.
"Uhh, no. I don't want her to know I got arrested." Cherry instantly denied, I even heard a slight panic in his voice.

"Ok, why should I listen to you? How'd you get arrested anyway?" I get up, knowing he's also about to ask for a ride, "Should I tell my sister?"
"NO! Don't tell anyone! Just.. Can you come pick me up? And could I possibly stay at your house tonight?" He asked, and I almost cackled.

Cherry asking me for help? I never thought this day would come.

"Fine, I have nothing better to do anyway." I replied, and I heard him sigh.

"Thank you, I'll make it up to you."

"You better,"

Cherry and LeonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz