Chapter four: the food fight

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As she walked outside towards the cabin to change, she bumped into two, very muscular girls who towered over her, "Oh sorry, I wasn't looking where I was-" Silena began but was quickly interrupted by their stern, hard glares of clear disgust painted on the girls' faces. She felt her cheeks flush pink, as she cursed at herself internally. Daring herself to glance back at them, she noticed their hateful gaze had never left her face, which just made her feel even more embarrassed about the situation, though she tried to calm herself by taking in their appearances. She wasn't sure why but studying people's appearance calmed her down, it gave her a sense of control in situations where she felt as if everything was out of control. Disappointedly, the two girls didn't seem to have that many interesting features about them, they both had cold, arrogant deep brown eyes that seemed to pierce through her skull like a thousand daggers and the girl on the right had sharper features such as higher cheek bones, a slimmer nose and longer face whilst the girl on the left had lower cheek bones, a shorter face and a more bulky build to her nose which pointed off to the side in a unnatural fashion, leading Silena to believe it was broken or at least injured in some way.

However, suddenly something unexpected happened, instead of getting punched in the face like she expected, both the girls glanced at each other and smirked, turning back towards her, "You're that newbie right?" the girl on the right asked, running a dirty hand through her dark, greasy hair that had been hastily put into a messy ponytail. She nodded, holding out her hand for the girl to shake and replying politely, "yes, I'm-" although, yet again she was rudely interrupted when the girl held up her hand to silence her, stepping forward and leaning in close, "I don't give two shits who you are new girl, as long as you're a newbie you'll be treated like one." That was when the girl spat in her face. Silena didn't know whether to be disgusted or amused at the girl's immature behaviour, she wiped the spit off her face, looking at the girl and replied, "you know you should really be kinder to people, perhaps then you'd look less ugly." Usually Silena hated using the word ugly because she didn't believe that anyone was ugly and it was just insecurities, yet in some situations it was necessary. The girl glared at her like she'd just killed her whole family, "you little bitch, just wait till you meet Clarisse." With that, the girl walked off, her pride clearly wounded, yet she left Silena with an important question. Who the hell was Clarisse?


Dinnertime was usually filled with chaos since there were always around a thousand people talking at the same time, food fights broke out regularly and the laughter was always deafening. However, Clarisse's mind was preoccupied by this new girl, there was something about her that was...interesting? Yet, Clarisse couldn't quite put her finger on it, although her thoughts were interrupted by her sisters who shuffled up in their seats looking furious, which wasn't really that surprising. "Clarisse," they began in unison, reminding her of the Stoll twins, which just pissed her off, "you know that newbie?" one of her sisters asks her, pointing out the girl she couldn't stop thinking about, her silky black hair fell just below her waist, wavy from being in those two plaits yesterday that had made Clarisse annoyed at how perfect this new girl seemed. "Yeah, what about her?" She asked, taking a bite out of a chicken leg, her other sister informed her, "she bumped into us this morning and I'm pretty sure she's gonna be trouble" her sister who spoke before nodded, adding, "and she called me ugly!" Clarisse almost choked on her chicken leg when she heard this, she couldn't lie, this new girl definitely had some guts and a sense of humour too, although she'd never admit that to her sisters.

On the other hand, she couldn't let this new girl get away with disrespecting her siblings and humiliating Ares cabin, since she guessed, knowing her sisters' reputation of whining about their problems to everyone that the whole camp were probably aware of this little dispute. "Oi newbie" Clarisse called to her once she reached the Hermes table where she was having a conversation with a Hermes girl and Chris. Clarisse rolled her eyes upon seeing Chris, I mean he meant well but he was probably the clumsiest, most incompetent person she'd ever met, yet Chris seemed absolutely obsessed with her. "Hey Clarisse" Chris greeted her with a cheesy smile, his face flushed red which Clarisse would have to be blind not to notice, "yes hello Chris" Clarisse replied quickly, returning her attention to the new girl who was eating a salad with chicken. Wait, why the fuck would anyone pick to eat chicken when they could just get more meat or literally anything else?

The dilemma of the salad confused and irritated Clarisse immensely, to the point where she'd forgotten what she'd come over here to confront the new girl about. "Why in Hades name are you eating a salad?" Clarisse asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically, instead of being offended the girl replies, "because it's healthy, perhaps you should try it some time." Clarisse's face immediately went red with embarrassment, how dare this new girl not only humiliate her sisters and her cabin but her too. Oh she was gonna pay. "You think you're all healthy with your little salad, well I'm sure you'd be much healthier with it all in your face!" Once she finished her sentence, she grabbed the plate of salad, picking it up and shoved it right in the new girl's smug face.


She had spotted the tall, imposing, muscular figure of the girl marching towards her out of the corner of her eye long before she'd reached the table. Suspecting it was linked to the incident this morning due to the fact she'd also spotted those two girls speaking to her, she had put her guard up. Usually, she wouldn't have replied in such a rude manner to a simple question like that, yet she knew the girl was bound to have a go at her anyway so why not start it. Although, what she hadn't predicted was that her food would get shoved pretty quickly and harshly into her face. That meant two things had rudely been put on her face that day, and she was pretty pissed off about it.

So it was no surprise when she grabbed the salad cream and squirted it at the girl's face who screamed out, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" Silena dodged the chicken leg that was thrown at her, although she couldn't help but hear someone else yelling, "FOOD FIGHT!" That's when all hell broke loose, campers were all lobbing various bits of food at each other, squirting each other with sauces, pouring drinks on top of each other. Silena and this other girl were definitely getting the brunt of it with nonstop fighting between them, they were both absolutely covered in food and probably smelt awful.

"STOP!" A commanding familiar voice yelled, as everyone instantly ceased fire, either dropping their food or drink related item on the floor, which was probably lucky for her since she was just about to get a whole ass turkey lobbed at her head. "WHO STARTED THIS?" Chiron demanded sternly, looking fairly imposing and authoritive in his centaur form, "it was the new girl Chiron!" The girl from this morning informed him, pointing at her, trying to hide the smirk on her ugly face. Oh great, now she was gonna get all the blame, "Clarisse was actually the one who threw food first Chiron." Silena felt as though her ears had just been blessed with the most beautiful sound ever once she heard those words, she glanced around to see who had said it and saw it had been Lola-rose who was covered in apple juice and apple sauce and some gravy. Chiron nodded gratefully, then turned his attention back to them. Oh for fucks sake. "Silena Beauregard and Clarisse La rue, please follow me to the big house, we need to talk."

Note:1402 words, also this is mainly where their beef starts and mainly where they're introduced to each other since before they didn't even know each other's names but by the end of this chapter they do. Also I felt like writing a funnier chapter that actually had something happening in it, other than the characters just talking and explaining stuff:)

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