chapter three:first impressions

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She didn't sleep last night after crying the whole night from being homesick and missing her dad, so when dawn finally broke she heard several birds chirping and squawking outside. Also, she swore she heard the distant noise of singing and once she glanced out of the window, she noticed several people all just going about their daily business, doing who knows what and singing to themselves as if they were in a movie or something. She groaned, cracking her back, and rubbing her eyes. That had definitely been the worst night she'd ever had.

She stood up, glancing around the cabin, most of the people had already woken up, the rest were still sleeping, snoring loudly. "Uh hey" she jumped when she heard someone start speaking to her and tapping her on the shoulder. It was a boy, maybe a bit older than her, although he looked fairly childish and sweet like a little kid. He had curly, dark brown hair and kind, brown eyes with a mischievous twinkle in them along with freckles covering his nose and he looked latino.

He looked a bit surprised when she jumped in shock but quickly shrugged it off, giving her a generous smile, "hey, I'm Chris and you must be Silena right?" He sounded kind, maybe a bit too immature for her liking, but regardless of that she smiled back at him, nodding, "Yeah, I'm Silena, it's nice to meet you" Silena always made sure to be kind and polite when addressing someone, after all she never knew what they'd been through and kindness went a long way. "That's a pretty name, but can I call you Lenny?" Chris asked, complimenting her and smiling at her, while she blushed. She was quite taken aback that he wanted to call her Lenny, she'd never had a nickname before apart from her dad who used to call her butterfly. She wasn't sure whether to laugh or be embarrassed, after all Lenny sounded so much like a boy's name and she didn't really want people thinking she was a boy, but then again she found it kind of cute that he wanted to give her a nickname. "Um sure, but maybe instead of Lenny it could be Lena" she told him, trying not to sound rude since she really did find it quite adorable. He chuckled a bit, noticing her discomfort with the nickname Lenny, so he nodded along to her suggestion of using Lena instead.

"So Chris, did you just come over here to flirt with me or do you have an actual reason for being here?"she asked him, smiling at him while she tilted her head to the side, gazing at him with her innoncent blue eyes. Raising his eyebrows, he seemed quite surprised at how forward she was, and she let out a giggle. She loved messing with boys sometimes, since they were usually stupid enough to believe her. Chris' whole face had gone red, yet he quickly replied, stuttering on his words slightly, "um no I uh I,I mean you're really pretty but uh I didn't come over here to flirt with you" she giggled softly in response, although curiousity rose inside of her as she seemed intrigued to know the real reason he came over to talk to her.

Chris straightened up and cleared his throat as he began speaking, "Chiron's requested to see you." Silena's curiosity rose at the mention of that name. Elizabeth had told her yesterday when she'd been escorting her to camp that Chiron was the camp's activities director and also a centaur which was like a half human half horse creature. Silena had only seen centaurs from movies, so she wasn't sure if they would actually look like that in real life or perhaps something more horrifying. "Why does he want to speak to me?" Silena asked curiously, tilting her head to the side while Chris scratched the back of his neck, looking up like he was trying to remember what he was supposed to say, "um Chiron usually likes to speak to all new campers, you know, get them more settled in and fill them in about like the gods and uh stuff" Chris' explanation was quite vague but Silena just decided to nod along to it and then followed Chris outside to go speak to Chiron.


She was sat in the living room of the big house, playing a game of chess with Annabeth and losing too. She despised chess with a passion, yet the younger girl loved it due to the fact she always won and probably loved rubbing it in Clarisse's face. "Checkmate!" Annabeth yelled happily, grinning from ear to ear as she jumped up and down in joy, whilst Clarisse rolled her eyes. She hated losing, but it was kind of amusing seeing how excited the other girl got over winning a game. "Why don't you go play with someone else?" Clarisse suggested, since she really wanted to go to the arena and get some practice in, however Annabeth shook her head, looking at her stubbornly with her arms crossed, "no, Luke's busy and besides it's funny playing with you" Clarisse sighed, rolling her eyes, knowing she'd be stuck with this kid for the majority of the day. "Well, what's so funny about playing with me?" Clarisse asked, although she was pretty sure she already knew the answer, Annabeth giggled, covering her mouth before replying, "you get really pissed off and swear every time" Clarisse rolled her eyes, sighing, despite the accusation being true.

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