Imperium Fauntra

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Credits to insaneguy!
I do not own this faction

The Republic of Fauntra

Military Branch:
• Republic Navy Fleet
• Fauntra Special Operation Force

Organizations Type:

Origins: fauntra were called the Relians a tribal-like race of large centaur like beings that were formed in the aftermath of the first evil impact, born on the planet omnifall that principaled spiritualism of the mind and body they were mostly peaceful seeking knowledge as they deemed it the most important thing on the universe, until the day they got into a war with a race known as the nekronians for unknown reasons, which forced them to go into isolation and hiding, avoiding any contact with the outside world under any means for a dozen years, as forced change was applied to the people in order to not be tracked by the nekronian threat as they could sniff you out metaphysically, so that means nothing of their former selves stayed the same after that, which led to an age of darkness, and evolving a religion out of their older selves in hoped that one day they would return to their former selves, ofc not all were like this, others embraced this change and felt to improve on it, but everyone feared that they would get snacked on by the nekronians.

Aftermath: After years of rebuilding and militarizing against threads as technology and weapons entered a bronze age, battleships, armies, and resources skyrocketed, becoming a self-sufficient nation of over 2000 planets, advancing to the stars, and becoming a republic.
They weren't a military to match most massive alien species, such as the Zodion, the Endull, and the Corn, as they were too far locked in on military power. They were technically diverse and learned spheron technology faster than any other race could master it. Making them a top in the marketing industry, which pushed them forward to expansion and the economy
More contractors = a healthy economy.
Which subverted to them turning into a massive industry rampant with technological marvels as they would get paid to make weapons, teachers, etc. that would help other races, which turned out to be a positive thing for everyone, getting more allies and aid. Now they own a couple dozen galaxies.

Fast forward to the resource stripping colonies, as the silver age came up, and now the fauntra, as they're named, are pumping out armies and fleets that are now in full production, and private agencies were formed and cities were built. Their influence was sprawling, which caught a lot of attention from praying races such as the zods, which prayed in full production, and private agencies were formed and cities were built. Their influence was sprawling, which caught a lot of attention from praying races such as the zods, which prayed on fauntra mining ships, which was caused solely because of the zodion wanting to feast on weaker species. A fauntra mining ships that were sent in the vast space could not fend off or fight against zodion warships, which at the time outnumbered fauntra fleets, and the energy shielding was developed. The good thing is that the corn also hated the zodion, which helped and aided the fauntra technology, more specifically the horse power and efficiency of machines.

The Insurgency-Republic War:
After the success of the of the victory against the three factions and the deaths of their leaders, peace was restored and they continued to strip and mine resources within other planets. The suspicion about the other sentient species we're in led to a secret organization to prevent being caught and avoid contact with the Fauntra's authority. Some groups had discussed their awareness and information about the Republic, which led to the organization sending spies to extract data.

The spies tend to steal some data on one of the Fauntra's computers by sneakingly trespassing on one of their facilities by disguising themselves as soldiers or high-ranking officers. Some may have survived by their identities being exposed and eventually being killed off immediately.
Agent Moe was able to deliver the data from the facility with a shocking response that they had seen. They had committed a list of war crimes, such as wrongful killing.

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