🏆 Mar-Apr Results!

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Good morning/evening!

Welcome to the results of March-April writing contest. A few things before we announce the results:

1: There will only be one winner, given we received maximum entries under short story writing challenge, and not enough in one-shot or poetry writing challenge. The one story that stood out the most has been crowned as the winner of this contest. However, reviews and suggestions have been provided for every entries, so the writers get some benefit from it and polish their crafts more. Kindly stay motivated, this is certainly not the last challenge we bring to you, more awaits to be unfolded! Learn more, write better, and keep entering the contests with your amazing entries. On the very note, the May month contest is open for you to take a look at.

2: Since Wattpad DM feature has been disabled, it's hard for us to reach out to the contest winners regarding the prizes. It'd be helpful if the winner and the honorable mentions provide any way to bridge a communication. It can be via E-mail ID, Discord, or Instagram. Whichever mode the writers feel comfortable with, let us know via inline comments.

2: This is simply a point of check-in. If there's any different kind of contest you'd like to see, do drop us a note here. Would you be willing to accept a group writing challenge for any of the upcoming month?

Now, without further delay, let's get started with the results!

Now, without further delay, let's get started with the results!

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Winner: MHA-Otaku

Honorable mentions:
123letitgo (the evanescent)
Raven_hokage (wickets and widjets)

Good job everyone!
A round of applause for all the participants for their hard work. Scroll ahead for reviews.

 Scroll ahead for reviews

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Entries and the reviews:

1: The Final Hour: giselle_0705

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