"I just came to inform you the food is getting cold. Would you like me to reheat it or prepare a new meal?" He asked.

"No, there's no need to prepare anything new. I'll let you know when to reheat it," I told him. He nodded before walking away and I was finally free to pursue my woman.

Where are you, baby?

I raced up the stairs and entered the first room my eyes landed on. The lights came on immediately and I was about to turn away when my landed on my woman, fast asleep on the bed.

Immediately, the anxiety crushing my heart dissipated as if it was never there to begin with and I closed the door as gently as I could before making my way further into the room. My eyes refused to stray from her face as I walked to the bed and removed my shirt, tossing it in some random corner of the room. As soon as I reached the bed, I slid inside and moved right next to her.

My beautiful girl was fast asleep and she'd sleep soundly throughout the night. She was a heavy sleeper and it was good to see that hadn't changed over the years.

Trying to control my natural instincts, I carefully settled an around her waist and moved even closer so that my body was pressed against hers. The warmth emanating from her soothed me in ways nothing else could. I propped my head on my hand and watched her sleep.

Did she think I wouldn't find her? No, she knew me better than that. She became mine the moment I laid eyes on her and there was nothing she or anyone could to keep me away from her. Even her betrayal couldn't stop me from keeping an eye on her. I was away for ten years not because she didn't want me around or the police kept me away; I was away because I needed to make the world safe for my woman before I claimed her and made her mine in ways she could never escape.

Unable to control myself, I leaned down and kissed her temple. She didn't stir just as I expected and I took the liberty to kiss her a couple of more times before I reined in my urge to turn her over and thrust insider her. I caressed her face as I watched the gentle rise and fall of her body while trying not to imagine sliding my cock in her wet heat and fucking her in her sleep. But I couldn't do that to her. Not right now.

But maybe one day...

I caressed her bottom lip with my thumb, knowing how perfect this was. How right. This was where she belonged. In her home. In my arms.

"My beautiful girl, why do you torment me so much?" I murmured in her ear, knowing she couldn't hear me. I stopped touching her to send a text to August to put the food away because there was no way she'd wake up now to eat, even though that's exactly what I wanted to do. But she'd had a long day and she was tired. It was best to let her sleep. However, starting tomorrow things would be different. She needed to realize that she could no longer live her life without me.

My hand traveled south, caressing her breasts and stomach before stopping over her thigh. I knew where I needed it to go but I wanted her awake when I finally touched her after ten long years. I wanted to hear her moans and whimpers as I made her come again and again. My cock hardened at the thought and I had to force myself to stop thinking about fucking her before I lost my mind.

"I know you're angry at me, baby, but I can't stay away from you. I tried but I just can't do it. You're mine and I want you to accept it." My hand moved upwards and covered her hand. My fingers automatically found her ring finger and I could clearly visualize the ring I'd soon be sliding on it.

Just a few more days. I smiled at the thought before it stretched to the point where I imagined her belly swollen with my baby. Yes, I needed to impregnate her now that the world was finally safe with our enemies defeated. I'd been wanting to see her pregnant with my baby as soon as I made her realize she was mine back in college. But we were too young then and babies were a huge responsibility. Not anymore. Now I wanted a family and she'd give me one.

My cock twitched when she stirred and turned around on her other side so that she was facing me, causing her tank top to rise up, exposing her stomach which would soon be carrying my baby. Before I could anything crazy like removing her clothes and thrusting inside her, I tugged the tank top down and pulled the duvet to cover her body.

The clock on the wall told me it was long past midnight, so I decided to lie down next to her and wrap my arm tightly around her and pull her as close to me as was humanly possible before closing my eyes after I kissed her one more time. As soon as the lights turned off I fell in the most peaceful sleep in ten years.


When I woke up it was still dark outside. I checked my phone telling me it was four thirty seven. I yawned and smiled when I found Saylor curled up against me with her hand resting on my chest.

"Good morning, baby," I muttered before kissing her forehead and then her cheek. I wanted to kiss her lips but I didn't want her to wake up. Not yet.

A strange thrill charged through my body with the knowledge that this was my forever. This was how every morning would be for me from now on. My Saylor waking up in my arms. I'd waited for this for ten years. Never again. I wouldn't walk away ever again.

"Now you'll wake up to a safe world. There's no one who'll dare to harm you now. I've taken care of them all. I've made this world safe again for you, my love. It took me ten years to do so, and I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry I had to stay away from you for so long. I'm sorry you had to spend so many years without me.

"Though you weren't alone. I may not have been physically present but I always kept an eye on you. I made sure you were safe while I destroyed every monster that dared to come between us. It took me too long and I had to stay away so I could protect you. But not anymore. It's over now, my love. No more monsters. It's just you and me now. And soon we'll be together in the eyes of the world. You wanted a forever with me ten years ago, I'm going to give it to you now, sweetheart," I said and kissed her cheek.

I watched her until the darkness outside began dissolving into light, touching and kissing her every chance I got. I wanted to go back to sleep and hold her against me as tightly as I could, but I couldn't do that right now. I wanted to keep her in the dark for a little longer and make her think she had some control over this situation.

With great reluctance, I forced myself to get out of bed. I grabbed my shirt which was lying on the loveseat in the corner and put it on. She should be waking up around six if her old habits were any indication. The reports I received over the years always told me she woke up at six. I needed to be out of the room before she did, and considering she didn't eat anything last night, I needed to feed her immediately.

I thought about texting August to prepare breakfast for us but decided against it. I had my girl back after ten long years, I wanted to take care of her now. I would prepare breakfast for her and make sure she ate every bite.

As the sun began to rise, I stood at the foot of the bed and watched her sleep. She shouldn't be sleeping here since this wasn't her room. She belonged in my room, in my bed, but I could understand she was angry. And knowing her, she'd be angry for a few more days and would sleep here just to spite me. I smiled as I thought about my ferocious kitten hissing and scratching until I lulled her into submission.

Soon, baby, very soon.

Forcing myself to step away from the bed I allowed myself a couple of more minutes to watch her before turning around and walking out of the room as quietly as I'd entered it. Saylor would be stubborn and would fight to sleep in a separate room, and as much as I hated that I could give her a little leeway until I ran out of patience. She thought she could stay away from me, but her time had come to an end.

She'd soon be sleeping in my room and in my bed, but for now I had no problem sleeping in her room and in her bed.


Author's Note

Hi guys, 

Here's another update, I hope you all enjoy

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Until next time

Take care


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