Cannibalim? That's Fun!

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When the door closed, the van immediately sped up, passing by the crashed Jeep and the hunched figure while Evelyn and Jennifer laid on the ground, trying to catch their breaths.

Moments passed. Once they caught their breaths, Jenn winced painfully at her arm and leg while Evelyn stared mindlessly at the door.

Seeing that they've calmed a little, Mary, Evelyn's aunt who was driving the van parked behind the closed ice cream shop and sighed.

"Are you ladies okay?" Mary asked, getting off the driver seat.

"I...I think I broke something." Jenn said, trying to move her left leg which only budged a little before completely stopping.

"Hmm, Evelyn?"

Even though she heard her aunt call for her, she continued to stare absentmindedly at the shelves that was stocked with a couple containers and boxes.

"Evelyn!" Mary called out again, this time, waking Evelyn from her daydream.

"Huh? Oh, uhm. I think I only hit my head a little." Evelyn answered blandly

Shaking her head at her niece's attitude, she stood up and searched around below the driver's seat, eventually pulling out a medium sized rectangular box.

When she opened it, there were bottles of medicine, some packets filled with pills and a couple rolls of bandages.

Sitting next to Jenn, she started to clean the scars around her arms and legs before placing plasters on them. Then, she took a few pieces of metal rods from the box and placed them around Jenn's foot, wrapping it with bandages.

Once she was done, the box was empty except for a couple small boxes of pills.

Seeing this, she closed the box and helped Jenn to the passenger seat behind the driver's seat, laying her down in a comfortable position.

'There should be an emergency med kit in the shop. I think they haven't changed the lock so I should be able to enter with the old key. It's the least I could do after what I did to her mom.'

"I'll have to go down to the store to pick up some more bandages so stay here. I'm bringing the key and I'm also locking the door. Don't unlock the doors no matter what, you understand me?"

As she said this, Mary opened another container, there was only a necklace with a fox emblem on it and a small wooden sword the size of a Keychain.


Sighing once more, Mary left the van and locked it before approaching the back door stained with dirt and rust. Taking out another set of keys from her sling bag, she tried it.

However, the key couldn't fit into the door knob so she went back into the van.

Entering through the driver seat, she opened a drawer and grabbed a small leather packet.

'I haven't done this in years so fingers crossed my hands still remember all those years.'

Taking a deep breath, she opened the packet the contained a set of tools. Long, sharp and curved, she took two and stuffed the rest into her bag.

A few moments later, she did her magic and managed to unlock the door.


The familiar sound of locks unlocking without a key made countless memories resurface in Mary. Once she wiped her sweat away, she went in and found herself in the kitchen.

For some reason, she could smell a terrible stench near the freezer area and she can also see blood staining the ground, as if something- no, someone was dragged into the freezer.

Frowning at her discovery, she shook her head and walked as sneakily as she could to the counter. However, when she was about to exit the kitchen, she heard a few people chatting and there was a singular light source at the bar.

She pressed her head on the locked door, closed her eyes to focus and tried to make sense of the muffled voices talking to each other.


"This is quite the exceptional world you've created,"

"Why thank you. If I say so myself, this might be one of the best I've created since I was summoned by that kid"

"Even so, why haven't you started the trials?"

The person asked laughed at the question for a few seconds before it answered.

"Well, if you were her. You faced multiple fears from your past in a day and wasn't let rest, would you realize that this isn't reality?"

"Hmm, true. Though, I think she's had enough rest hasn't she?"

"Don't worry about that. I already have something planned for her and her friend. This ice cream shop might look harmless on the outside but once they realizes what they've consumed, panic will arise."the person giggled

"What do you mean?"

"One moment, I'll show you an example."

Then, Mary heard the sound of the chair creaking and steps coming closer to the kitchen. When Mary heard this, she immediately went and hid behind the cabinets.

The door slid open and someone stepped into the kitchen and it opened the freezer.

Mary frowned and covered her mouth, trying to stop herself from puking from the horrendous stench while she peeked through the gaps.

As if unfazed by the stench, it entered the freezer and seemingly dragged out a large container.

For some reason, she didn't mange to catch the culprits face but she know it's a woman from the shape of her body.

However, when Mary saw what was in the semi-transparent bucket, she started to shake.

She could see countless eyeballs, mushed together into the container. And as it it wasn't enough, the woman left out before entering the freezer again.

This time, she took out a bowl filled with fingers and toes and another container. The fingers were chopped up and the nails were removed. However, this only made Mary more nauseous when she realizes what was in the small container.

Blended nails.

Mary could barely keep her sanity intact while she waited for the woman to leave the kitchen.

Just then, a chilling thought entered her head.

'Didn't Evelyn and Jennifer come here for dessert this afternoon? Does that mean...does that mean that they ate that?'


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