verbal daggers

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words hurt.

words seem so harmless,
just sounds with empty meanings,
until they come at you with a dagger
and throw it right in your heart.

words aren't seen as damaging,
until you notice that maybe
you don't need
to throw a punch to my gut
to put me down
to the point where i feel that
i won't ever get back up.

words are harmless
to the ones who say them,
those are the ones that
won't ever give a second thought
about the foul things that may
come out of their mouth,
but these words will slowly
torture their victims,
each word sticking with them,
adding up to the agonizing pain,
until the weight of every statement
slowly kills them.

whoever said that
"sticks and stones may
break my bones
but words will never hurt me"
must have been a liar,
because sometimes
words can be just as agonizing,
if not more.

break every bone in my body,
one by one, if you must,
if it means that
i'll never have to experience
the pain of being verbally abused
once more.

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