Chapter 1

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~ "We're all in our private traps.
Clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out."

" Sometimes we deliberately step into those traps. " She said softly,

" I was born in mine, I don't mind it anymore. " He lowered his head.

" Oh you should, you should mind it. "

" Oh I do, "-He lets out a dry laugh-" but I say I don't. "



He rose from his bed, feeling more tired than he's ever been.
He didn't want to wake up, didn't want to have breakfast with his brother, and more importantly, he didn't want to have to live without the woman he loved.
But you can't always get what you want.

He took a bath, brushed his teeth, fixed his hair and dressed in his normal attire, dark clothes, leather jacket and boots.

He took in a deep breath before walking down the stairs, putting on a smirk to hide the frown. He didn't need his brother's pity, nor did he want it.

Stefan locked his eyes on his brother " You're awake. "

Damon grabbed the newspaper from the counter.
Without making eye contact with his brother he said,
" Why wouldn't I be?"

Strangely enough, sitting in the kitchen 'reading' the newspaper reminded him if Bonnie.
He tried not to think about her too much lately because if he was feeling guilty, imagine how she must feel right now.

Stefan looked at his brother with concern in his eyes, he too missed Elena.
"It's been two weeks." He said,

" I've noticed. " Damon didn't remove his eyes from the newspaper.

Stefan leaned on the counter to get a closed look at his brother,
" It's okay to feel sad you know, "

Damon smirked putting down the paper,
" That's really helpful brother, thank you!"

He scoffed,
"You don't need to act like that."

" Like what?" He looked into his brothers eyes, demanding to be left alone.

" Like you don't care. " But Stefan wouldn't give up on brother.

Damon didn't want to say anything else; he grabbed the newspaper along with his keys and went outside after telling his brother he'd be back soon.
He went in his Camaro and didn't start it until five minutes later,
Everything was wrong and he needed some right.
He needed a way to get rid of whatever was sitting on top of his chest and the best way he knew how to doing that was by feeding uncontrollably.
But he promised he wouldn't,
he promised her he'd wait for her patiently but the truth was he was troubled. He didn't want Bonnie to die but he wanted Elena back, he needed her because without her then there'd only be darkness.
He drove to The Grill, it was reconstructed after the fire. He figured if he couldn't get drunk on blood then he'd just have to get drunk the normal way.

He went straight to the bar, it felt strabge not seeing Matt there. Instead there was a black haired guy with a really strange grin.

" What can I get you sir?"
Damon looked into his eyes, the guy was a vampire and an old one by the way he spoke. But he didn't care, he wasn't in the mood for anymore Mystic Falls drama.

He cleared his throat and said,
" Bottle of Bourbon. "

" I believe it's a little early for that, "
The vampire had recognized Damon but he couldn't place where.

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