Chapter One

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Saki Makino's Point Of View-

I woke up in a gloomy classroom and looked around.  Is this a dream?  This looks just like the class in that picture Karin took.   I sat up right.  My head really hurts!  And I think I twisted my arm when I fell.  Where am I anyway?  I looked around some more on the door in faded letters it said 1-A I think im in a elementary school. I looked by the teachers desk and saw Hikari.  Hikari's here!  Maybe she kows where we are!  I quickly stood up and i felt very dizzy, then next thing i know I was on the ground again.  Well i guess i should try crawling over there then.  I slowly crawled over to her and shook her a little.  Shes still breahing so shes not dead at least.

"Hikari!  Wake up its me Saki!"  She moved slightly and i shook her some more.  Then she slowly raised herself up onto one of her elbows.

"Was I unconscious?"  She asked looking at me.  I nodded.  "Where are we Makino?"

"I was hoping you knew"  She then scanned the walls and saw a flyer by the door.

"That looks like a school flyer, that might give us a hint on where we are"  She slowly stood up and so did I.  My dizzness faded away while we were talking but my head still hurt.  I ignored it though and walked over to the flyer with her and read it.  I was amazed and scared when i read it.

"[Heavenly Host Elementary - Notice to all Faculty and Students]"  Hikari read the begining of the flyer out loud and i quickly cut her off.

"Wait, wasn't Heavenly Host torn down, Hikari?" she looked at me confused "like in 1975?"

"Yeah now that you mention it i think i remember finding a newspaper artical about that in my parents closet a while ago."

"So does that mean that we're-"  She just nodded slowly and her face got pale and her eyes became filled with terror.  We're stuck in a haunted school.  I quickly changed the topic to something  else.  "We need to find everyone else fast and get out of here as quick as possible right?"

"Y-yeah...  L-lets go..."  And with that we left classroom 1-A and headed down a long hallway.  The floor was covered in large holes, but me and Hikari continued walking.  Then we came across an open door.  "I don't like the looks of this door Saki...  I don't think we should go in it yet..."

"Yeah it doesn't feel right."  We avoided the door and kept walking to the end of the hall when a foul smell slowly filled the air, it was accompanied by the sounds of flies.  It seemed to be coming from the hallway to our right.  Me and Hikari turned to face the hallway.

"Well there doesn't seem to be any other route to take other then this way.  Should we go?"  She looked at me and i nodded.  Then we slowly headed down I was slightly infront of her, so whatever was around this next corner i would see it first.  I slowed down as we neared the corner.  The smell of rotting meat filled the air and the sounds of flies was at its loudest.  I hesitantly turned the corner and i was horrified by the sight of what i saw.  I was sure my face went pale and my eyes filled with terror because Hikari rushed to my side and turned to see the remains of a human.  It appered to be a female because there was a shattered compact mirror by it.  Other then that the gender was unidentifiable the corpse appered to be thrown at full force from the other side of the hall with extrodinary strength that the body resembled red jam spread on toast, but the jam used to be a human and the toast was the wall and floor.

"It looks like someone hit a fly with a fly-swatter...  But this isn't a fly...  Is it Saki?"

"No...  Its not its a... better yet was a human... Now its just a humans insides smashed againt a wall."  The thought of that made me shiver.  "I think we should get away from here now."

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