He rolls his eyes. "You know what? I will."

...He's seriously passing up an opportunity to train? What the hell...

Geez, why does he have to be so goddamn jealous?

"I won't let you," I say.

He blinks. "Not your decision, dude."

"I need you."

He frowns.

"Impress Yuna."

His face quickly turns to a low scowl. "Forget her."

"Uh, what?" Rise splutters. "Not so long ago, you were crawling at her feet."

"Yeah, well, there's always someone better, isn't there?" He snaps.

"Yosuke, you're being ridiculous," I sigh.

He shakes his head. "She doesn't give a damn about me. Ha, did she ever?"

"Of course she did," Kanji says. "She wouldn't leave you alone, remember? She found all that unfunny shit you said cool. She fed your damn ego. She probably still does."

His lip twitches slightly. "I bet her new boyfriend gets the same exact treatment."

"She didn't seem like the type to cheat," Yukiko mutters. "At least, that's what I thought."

"Everyone's a cheat," he grunts. "At anything or everything."

"You're being dramatic," Chie scoffs. "C'mon. Why would she tell you she was cheating?"

"Prolly because she was sick of me," he mumbles. "Just wanted to let me go without much hassle, I guess."

"Don't you think you've got the wrong end of the stick?" Kanji asks.

"What are you talking about?"

"The hell did she tell you, anyway?"

"She was studying," he shrugs. "With some guy."

"Oh, come on, Senpai," Rise giggles. "That means nothing."

"He was cute, too," he points out. "Her words."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Yosuke, she was obviously teasing you."

"No way," he says.

"I thought you liked girls with a sense of humour?" Chie snickers.

"I do, but—"

"Then let it go," she yawns. "There probably wasn't even a guy there in the first place."

"Exactly," I splutter.

He bites his lip. "I just—"

"Talk to her," Kanji says. "No point dwelling on somethin' that ain't necessarily true."

Yosuke nods slowly. "Alright. I will."

Thank god I can count on these guys when it matters.


"This is..." Margaret splutters, eyeing up the compendium.

"What?" I frown, crossing my arms. "What's the deal with it?"

"Your bond," she says. "It's changing."

Yosuke's bond.

"So what?" I sigh. "Every bond changes."

"No," she shakes her head, closing up the compendium. "My, what have you done?"

I break into a cold sweat. "What?"

How Could You? (Souyo)Where stories live. Discover now