Chapter 8: Knowing the family

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Third Person POV

Jake walked into the lab area and he saw Norm and Max looking at the computer about Y/n body.

Norm: "Christ!"

Max: "What did they do to him?"

Jake: "Do what?"

Norm and Max turned around and they saw Jake.

Norm: "Jake you may wanna see this."

Jake got closer and looked at the computer about his son's body and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Jake: "What the hell did they do to him?"

Max: "From what we have they must have modified his body giving him increased muscles, titanium bones, super strength speed etc."

Norm: "They also gave him some type of serum that pretty much allows him to breathe the air."

Max: "Jake, they turned him into a super soldier."

Norm: "From the database of that chip he was part of something called the Spartan program. Which was an abandoned program to make super soldiers and it was too dangerous so it was shut down but it seems they brought it back."

Jake couldn't believe what the RDA did to his son. They turned him into a super soldier to fight against him. Now he hates them, they lied about him being dead, and they lied to his son about him being dead and thought he abandoned him.


When my father left the room with his friends I was in the room by myself. I wanted to be by myself for a little bit. I need some time to think about all this. I took off my armor so that I can relax. After a while it was just me in the room. This is a lot to process for me.

There was a lot on my mind. Not only was I being lied to but I was also being used as a tool. The RDA was just using me to do their dirty work for so many years. Not only were they just using me they wanted me to kill my fucking dad. If there's one thing my dad had taught me before he left was to never let anyone lie to me.

And that I completely forgot to keep my promise. I usually never let anyone lie to me ever. Usually I kill people who lie to me especially depending on who it is.

All these years I was just a slave for them. I was just their pet whatever need me to do their dirty work.

I just stared at my cracked visor on my helmet.

Third Person POV

Y/n was sitting down with his armor off and he was looking at his helmet with the visor still cracked.

Jake: "Y/n

Reaper looked to his left and saw his father entering the room and he had Scarlett's chip in his hand.

Jake: "I believe this is yours."

Y/n: "Thanks dad"

Y/n takes the chip and Jake notices his robotic arm.

Y/n takes the chip and Jake notices his robotic arm

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