00. III

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There was not a single resident of Canton, Mississippi who had not heard of the man named Carl Lee Hailey

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There was not a single resident of Canton, Mississippi who had not heard of the man named Carl Lee Hailey. As I make my way to my favorite diner, word of Mr. Hailey leaves the lips of everyone out, filling the streets with gossip.

All of this was expected though and slightly gave me a confidence boost. I, a fairly young white lawyer, had taken on the case for Carl Lee Hailey who just so happened to be a friend of mine before this whole thing happened. Word about me representing Carl got around just as quick as word of what he had done.

Many condemned me for representing him, some supported me fully. The reaction I got was merely nothing compared to how Canton felt about what Carl Lee did.

Two drunken white bastards by the name of Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard, kidnapped and brutally raped a ten year old black girl by the name of Tonya Hailey. They were charged and even admitted to rape and attempted murder. The pure devastation hit the black community of Canton hard, hell anyone with a daughter was frightened even knowing those bastards were walking men.

News spread and when I heard the names of the girl, I thought my ears deceived me. I had known the Hailey's for a minute, I helped Carl Lee's brother out of some legal trouble a while ago so I was well acquainted with the Hailey family.

Of course I checked up on Tonya and the family as soon as possible, and it hit them hard. As a father, I talked to Carl Lee the most. He knew that I understand his feelings of devastation for not being there for his daughter when she needed him the most and absolute disdain for Willard and Cobb. I knew that Carl was going through a lot mentally, but I never imagined that he would actually do what he did.

It all happened so quick, it was just before Cobb and Willard were going on trial for the rape, abduction, and attempted murder of Tonya. Carl Lee sprayed the county courthouse with machine bullets with all will to kill the scum who raped his daughter.

He actually told me that he was going to do this a few days before it actually happened, but I figured it was just talk. I mean any father would want to do that if his daughter has been treated like Tonya was, but I did not believe that Carl Lee was that daring. I was sadly proven wrong, and now here I am, representing Carl in court for orders he so obviously premeditated on.

It was as if someone had pressed the mute button on a remote control when I entered the restaurant. Their silence proved futile since I had a pretty good guess of what they were discussing. With no regard for all the eyes pretending to not be on me, I made my way to the counter and sat in the same seat as I did before I took this, just wanting a nice slice of blueberry pie.

Sheryl, the sole reason I still come here, greeted me in such a nice manner, "you know everyone's talking shit about you right?". I smile as she hands me a warm slice of pie and glass of milk.

"I can always count on you to give it me straight huh?".

Sheryl had known me since I first started law school. I spent many nights working with nothing but pure drive and a cup of joe at this diner. I would have Sheryl read over some works of mine just to get an perspective of the average person and I've never stopped getting opinions from her since.

"Some of it is good though, but you know how white folks are".  I nod in agreement while eating my pie. I keep an ear out for those who didn't care to hide their conversations, or was just naturally loud.

Majority of the talk surrounded Carl Lee. People here too often let politics mix with breakfast, simply ruining a great meal. I could hear folks at a table in the back getting rowdy over the matter, "you think a nigger can go shooting at white folks in court and get away with it? you're out of your damn mind i tell you that much".

Before the conversation could continue I slide Meryl a $10 and swiftly make my way out of the diner. I no longer cared to hear from the public, and much rather get my information straight from the source.

"You know what they're saying about you?". I question with my hands in my pockets in front of the bars that separate Carl from the rest of the world. I tap my foot lightly waiting to hear how he would respond.

"To hell with them! I don't regret a damn thing I did and you know that Jake. Those people ain't gone help my family, hell".

I nod and catch him up on the newspapers and about how popular he has become. "You know you're sort of cool in newspapers that aren't dragging you, make you sound like some badass. Memphis is loving you right now". He smiles a bit at the news and I go on until it's time for me to go home.

"Get some rest, we have work to do tomorrow".

We bid our farewells and I make my way home, thinking about a massage from Carla. She has not been too happy that I took on this case, every time I say something that remotely supports Carl Lee she comes with a rebuttal, I hope I don't get a jury like her. I love my wife, but I prefer when she stays out of my work, being a lawyer is stressful as is and this case hasn't made my life exactly easier.

"Honey I'm home". I announce as I take of my tie and get out of my loafers. I unbutton my shirt as I make my way upstairs, I can hear Carla in Hannah's room. I stop inside and see her praying goodnight over her. I join and rub at Hannah's brunette hair as falls deeper into sleep.

Carla and I head to our room and I let out a sigh as she closes the door. "Would you like a massage?" she questions rubbing some sweet lotion on your arms in the mirror. I make my way behind her laying my head on her shoulders and say sleepily in her ear, "you must've read my mind".

I lay on my stomach in our bed in my wife beater and boxers, awaiting for Carla to touch me. I smile as I feel her straddle my back and wrap her hands around my shoulders, moving in a motion that she does so well. "So did you speak to him today?" she questions in a nosey manner while she makes her way to my back.

"I did, right before I came home actually. I just told him what papers were saying and to prepare
for tomorrow". She hums and continues to massage me but I could tell that she wanted to say more. I block her opportunity with a question, "What did you and Hannah do today?". She gives a synopsis of their calm day which makes me smile, I love knowing that they can enjoy themselves, even if it's at the expense of me driving myself crazy with work.

"I love you and Hannah so much baby" I babble on not realizing my eyes were shut. "I love you too Jake" she replies turning off the lamp.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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