"I will be getting them something so help me out" she sighs and drags me to bath and bodywork. "Nika likes this type of shit" Paige drags me to some lotions and potions. "Perfect. I'll get that" one done, like 20 more left.

"Azzi likes this one" she points a kind that I haven't seen before. "Of course you'd know" I joke but she took it literally. "Hey I'm just trying to help" I take the one she points to and go to pay.

"Now what would you like for Christmas?" Paige ask taking me other bag and walking out. We decided to leave so that we can do the YouTube video. "I want you to bend me over the kitchen counter and fuck me there" I told her AS A JOKE.

She froze in place. "Oh look. It's Hallie" I wave at one of my friends from across the street. I grab Paige's hand and drag her to Hallie. She's with her other friends that I kind of know about. "Mia!" She hugs me while I'm still holding Paige's hand.

"What happened to her? She looks in shock" Hallie says looking behind me at Paige. "I don't know" I smirk and smile at the other girls. "Hey, I'm Demitra and this is my girlfriend Paige" I introduce myself and Paige since she's still in shock.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Anna and this is Melody" I shake their hands and elbow Paige to do the same. "Oh right. Sorry" they shake hands and we talk for a bit. I could feel Paige being all tense or something. Did I make her uncomfortable? I hope not. I was only joking...

"We should get going" I tell Hallie and she nods. We hug goodbye and then they walk away. "You good?" I ask Paige as we walk to the car. "Yup. Totally. So good" I roll my eyes at her. "Yeah right"

Paige's pov

Oh my days. Is she always this bold? Should I actually do what she told me too? I mean... we've already done it a couple of times. She's so freaky god dayum. Wait. Freaky in a good way. Trust me. In a very good way.

I swear she can get horny like a lot. I don't know what happened that one time but damn. She was horny all day. I wonder if Nika slipped her that pill that makes you horny.

"You didn't hear a single thing I said right?" Huh? I look over and see Mia setting up her camera. "I said that we can start the video soon and all of stuff is here" I nod and look at the counter. There's a bunch of different products and hair things.


To do this like everyday. I could never. Is that why Mia is so strong? She somehow beat me in an arm wrestle. "Let's starts" I nod and rub my hands together. "Don't do that" she looks at my hands and it's like something turned on in her brain.

No way that turned her on. She clears her throat and starts speaking to the camera. I just stood there not knowing what to do. I eventually started picking up bottles and reading the label as she keeps talking.

"Um so first I wet my hair which I already did so now I'm going to but in this leave in conditioner" she gently grabs the bottle from my hand and shows the camera. "Let me do it" I tell her. She hands the bottle to me and tells me what to do.

She then pulls out her chair and sits on it to make it easier for me. I squeeze some conditioner in my hand and start messaging her head. She let out a small moan which caught me off guard.

"Mia! Where's my headphones?" Sunday walks in the bathroom and looks around for them. "I don't know. Check my drawer" she walks out the bathroom and we could hear movement from the other room.

"Alright. Then we're going to put this product to keep my curls curled" she then points to a bottle and tells me what to do. "I can't find them!" Sunday shouts from the room then comes walking back in with Mia's headphones.

"Can I use these?" She asks her younger sister. "Yeah whatever" Sunday goes to the side and tries to connect the headphones to her phone clearly having trouble with it.

"Kailia I swear to god" Mia takes the headphones and connects them for her. Sunday looks to the camera and smiles and fixes her hair. "Kailia. We're doing a video here. Can you leave?" Mia ask her sister. "Soon. I need some of this actually" she grabs a purple bottle and opens it and puts some stuff in her hair.

After we finished the video, took a while, we put all the stuff away and now it's torture time. "Lay on the bed" she instructs me. I listen to her and lay down. She grabs some face masks and applies it to my face.

"Can I paint your nails?" That's one thing I will not do. She can do whatever she wants to me but not that. "Absolutely not" she pouts but listens to me. She then puts her own face mask on and lays next to me.

"Girls? Are you hungry?" Her mom pops her head into the room. The door was already open so. "Yeah" Mia answers for the both of us. "I'll bring some food up for you" we thank her and she leaves.

"Mia! Romeo has your underwear!" Her dad shouts making me laugh a little. Her dog has this thing with underwear's. Kind of weird but he will grab them whenever he can.

Mia sighs and lays her head on my shoulder making sure not to smudge her face on me. "Can we take a bath after?" She ask me. Together? "Just a bath? Nothing else?" I confirm with her. "Maybe" she winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Would you be mad if I painted your toes?" She gives me those eyes. I sigh and shake my head. She smiles and grab her nail polish and picks a colour. I don't care what colour she chose just not pink.

The rest of the day was like this. It actually wasn't that bad after all. When I got back to the school, I got compliments on my skin and that Nika said that I was glowing. KK said it was for a different reason from what Nika was thinking about.

I locked myself in my room, totally not admiring my skin for a whole hour. I did some online shopping then some homework. I went to the living room and KK, Ines and Ice were there.

Ines was on her computer doing homework like the food kid she is. Ice on her phone and KK eating food like always. I sat down, grabbing the controller, and turned on Fortnite.

I played that game for a while. KK doing some weird ass TikToks making me side her once in a while. "I low key wonder what goes on inside her head" Ines says watching KK doing her TikToks and kissing her food. "Nothing. That's what's going on inside her head. Absolutely nothing"

We laugh and chill for the rest of the day before we had to go to practice. Practice time was hell. Didn't help when KK and Nika kept saying that I was glowing and that I got my toe nails painted. It was embarrassing. That's it.


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