Chapter Twenty-five

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Splendid stopped talking to him again. He flinched when Splendont got too close. He left the rooms Splendont walked into. He was distant and it killed Splendont inside wondering what it was he had done wrong this time.

"Splendid, why are you ignoring me?"

He followed Splendid out to an emergency. Again, he was just watching. Not a single part of him screamed to help.

He wished he had just helped out.


His brother dove down once more into the top of the aquarium. It had flooded inside and none of the doors were opening. To protect the people and avoid hurting the sea creatures inside, he made a hole in the roof and dived in to collect armfuls of people to rescue.


Splendid turned, glaring at his brother, "I don't want to talk to you, Splendont! I thought I made that abundantly clear!"

Splendont frowned, clenching his fists as Splendid flew down, scanning the building one more time for any stragglers. He didn't understand why things had gotten so cold between them again.

"Why? What did I do?" He snapped back, trying to hold in the hurt that clawed at his throat.

"You haven't changed."

Splendont flew towards Splendid as the other started to go down to the ground. He heard cracks from the windows, but paid it no mind. Splendid kept his distance.

"What are you talking about? Why would I change?" He asked, exasperated by his words.

There was a crowd. Ambulances and police helping those who were rescued by Splendid. The bystanders that avoided the freak accident of the aquarium. News reporters covering the story. People Splendont would have blasted away so he could talk to Splendid privately.

"That. It's always that with you." Splendid shook his head. "You're just as self-centered and narcissistic as usual."

Splendont blinked at that, taken aback by Splendid's words, "What?"

Splendid turned once more, a tired look on his face, "I thought you came back to see me because you were sorry. Because you realized what you did back then was wrong. What you had done to me was wrong. But, clearly, you're the same Splendont I've always known."

Splendont felt that lump in his throat grow.

"You're the same Splendont that I want nothing to do with."

It hurt to hear.

Splendont let out a sharp laugh, "Is that so? Pot meet kettle. You're still the same little dog you were raised to be."

Splendid flinched back at his words. Splendont felt that sick part of himself sing in glee at the expression on his brother's face.

"I didn't say anything at first, but since you want to be like that, then I will. You're still helping these weak, pathetic humans who don't fucking deserve it. You're pretending to be one of them to hide the fact you're special. You're wasting your time and skills. You get nothing from this except being used and exploited!" Splendont threw his hands up, walking around and standing in front of his brother, holding his arms out. "What do you hope to accomplish by cleaning up their messes? These people are soft and weak! They'll die out like all the others and we'll still be here centuries after they're gone!"

Crack, crack.

Splendid's eyes widened at his words, shaking his head in disbelief, "That's not the point—!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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