Chapter#39 "The Shadow Strike: Unveiling the Attack

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A red light appeared on minho's neck.

As soon as Yn saw it she pushed minho out of the car along with herself. 

Yn:get down.

A sniper shot was fired direct at the place where minho was sitting in the car.

Yn took out her gun and both hid behind the car trunk chaos broke out in the area as the sniper bullets were getting fired. 

Yn:I am getting out of bullets do you have another magazine. 

Minho:yes got 2 in the dash board.

Yn:ok wait here and call rm oppa I will go and grab the magazines. 

Minho:no its risk I will get magazines you call rm hyung.

Yn:ok fine just go fast,this is getting out of control.


With that minho carefully went towards the driving seat.

Team universe came and yn  and jimin went to the place where the sniper was being shooting from.

Jimin:there are 2 snipers one from the east and other from north. 

Yn:you head towards north I will inform grey and yeji to head towards east.

After informing tae and yeji Yn and jimin went to north building. 

Yn grabbed the guy who was shooting from back .

Yn:try this shooting again in the prison you moron.


In the dimly lit investigation room, Agent Red sits across from the suspect, whose identity is concealed by the shadows. The room is quiet, save for the occasional echo of footsteps outside. Red's piercing gaze fixes on the suspect, who shifts uncomfortably under the scrutiny.

On the table between them lies a dossier containing evidence linking the suspect to the sniper attack on the biggest mafia of korea. Red leans forward, her voice low and commanding, as he begins to unravel the web of deceit surrounding the crime. The suspect's palms grow sweaty as Red methodically dismantles each alibi and false lead, leaving no room for doubt.

With each piece of evidence presented, the tension in the room mounts, until finally, the suspect's resolve begins to crack. Beads of sweat form on their brow as they realize the weight of the accusations against them. Red remains stoic, her determination unyielding as she presses for the truth.

As the interrogation stretches on, the truth begins to emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the motive behind the sniper attack. With a final, damning piece of evidence, Agent Red leans back in her chair, her gaze unwavering as she awaits the suspect's confession.

The culprit spoke....

Agent Red: "Let's cut to the chase. Why did you take the shot?"

Culprit: *hesitates, then exhales deeply* "It wasn't personal. I was desperate."

Agent Red: "Desperate for what?"

Culprit: *looks down, voice trembling* "Money. I owed some dangerous people a lot of it. They were threatening my family if I didn't pay up."

Agent Red: *nods* "So you took a contract to kill the mafia?"

Culprit: *nodding* "Yes. They promised to wipe out my debt and keep my family safe."

Agent Red: "But why him? Why not someone else?"

Culprit: *sighs* "He was a high-profile target. They said it would send a message and make them back off."

Agent Red: *leans forward, voice stern* "You realize the gravity of what you've done? There are consequences for your actions."

Culprit: *bows head* "I know. I regret it every day. But I felt like I had no choice."

Agent Red: "You always have a choice.

Agent Red: "Who were these people who approached you?"

Culprit: *hesitates, then looks up, fear in his eyes* "I don't know their names. They operated in the shadows, always wearing masks. They never revealed their identities."

Agent Red: *frowns* "How did you communicate with them?"

Culprit: "It was all through encrypted messages and phone calls. They were careful to cover their tracks."

Agent Red: *narrows eyes* "Did they give you any indication of who they were working for?"

Culprit: *shakes head* "No, just that they had powerful connections and could make my problems disappear."

Agent Red: *leans back, processing the information* "Do you have any way to contact them now?"

Culprit: *shakes head again* "No, they cut off all communication after the job was done. I was left on my own."

Agent Red: *sighs* "Alright. We'll need to dig deeper to uncover the people behind this. But your cooperation will go a long way in mitigating the consequences you're facing."

Red exits the investigation room meeting rm on her way she said .

Red:he is not telling us everything I know voice can be changed on phone calls but there are things that makes way to find the person behind these things .

Rm:your right let's leave it for a while then we will do the most important step .

Red:and what's that?.


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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