part 36

125 18 9

( 25 days later )

( author pov)

"It's been almost 25 days since yn got injured, but now she's doing much better. Her wounds have completely healed, and she has been attending university for the past 5 days. Jungkook has also started teaching her at home for almost two hours. Sometimes yn falls asleep while studying and wakes up next to a sleeping Jungkook. She always wonders how she ended up lying beside him. They have grown close to each other as Jungkook treats her well and cuddles with her when she falls asleep. His feelings for yn have developing, and he has come to accept that maybe he likes her . He often gets jealous when he sees Yoongi around yn. They both seem very happy together, but Jungkook wonders why yn is always nervous and hesitant around him, unlike when she is with Yoongi ...,

" yn's feelings for Jungkook have remained constant from the beginning. She has never shown interest in any other man besides Jungkook. Love is not a game for her, where she would fall for someone else just because they treat her better than her husband. No, she's a girl who knows how to stay committed in love, no matter what happens in her marriage. However, deep down, she feels that Jungkook has changed. These days, she's really happy because the distance between them as husband and wife is starting to disappear. But yuna and yerin are always ready to bring her down and convince her that her thoughts about Jungkook changing are all wrong ...,

" Yuna knew that Jungkook was developing feelings for yn, and it's tearing her apart inside. These days, Jungkook always refuses to go out with her like they used to for parties and clubs. Instead, he spends his free time at home with yn, which really annoys Yuna. She has started to hate yn with all her heart. Yuna doesn't want to let go of Jungkook now that she has accepted that she loves him. Her only mission is to make him divorce yn before their wedding anniversary, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Yoongi, on the other hand, has also noticed Jungkook's behavior towards yn, and it scares him because he's afraid of losing yn. But , he's not selfish like Yuna. All he wants is for yn to be happy, whether it's with him or the person she loves. It hurts him a lot, but he can't do anything other than support yn and be there for her. yn is the love of his life, and he knows he could never forget her, no matter what happens ...,


( jungkook pov )

" it's 10pm and it's really dark outside, As I finished teaching her the important chapters, I noticed that she already fallen asleep, while her head resting on the table. With a smile on my face, I gently put my pen back on the study table and admired her beautiful face. I carefully brushed away the strands of hair that cascaded over her face, wanting to see her peaceful small face ...,

" with a sigh, I averted my gaze and stood up. I closed the books and notes, and then grabbed our phones from the table. I saw that her phone screen was cracked, which saddened me, but I shrugged it off for this time, Sliding our phones into my pockets, I moved closer to her and bent down to her level, taking a moment to admire her sleeping form ...,

"Yn, let's go," ..., I whispered as I cradled her in my arms, one hand supporting her knees and the other behind her back. Carefully, I carried her towards her room. Just as I was about to open the door, I saw that she's holding onto me tight while burying her face into my chest. I chuckle, and here like some other days , I changed my mind as I turned around and headed back to my own room ...,

", I opened the door and went inside, gently laying her down on the bed. I took off her shoes and covered her with a duvet. Then, I quickly removed my own shoes and settled myself on the bed. Placing our phones on the nightstand, I shifted closer to Yn and placed her head to rest on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her waist, embracing her comfortably ..."

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