But she never showed.

Ash was probably taking it the worst; aside from Tyler, that is. Mentally, she was beating herself up for not turning back for Dom. But, she knew she had done the right thing. It didn't mean it wouldn't haunt her.

Eventually fading into exhaustion, still alerted to the occasional clicking around of the two giant creatures present in the forest with them, the decided to set up camp in an old service station they had seen on their trip to the town they were headed.

They all crowded around for eachother, comforting themselves by relieving their past moments with Dominique, trying to eliminate the sourness and sadness coating the mood around them.


The parents around the BBQ rose in their heads in alarm, looking between eachother at the sound of their children's anguished cries.

Quickly picking up their stuff, they all rushed toward the bus, flinging the door open in panic, rushing inside to see the teens gathered around an unresponsive body.


"DOMINIQUE!! WAKE UP!! PLEASE, IM BEGGING YOU!!" Tyler yelled desperately, shaking Dominique's wide-eyed body back and forth where she lay, her colourful gaze shrouded in black, staring at the ceiling.

Taylor was next to her on her knees, sobbing helplessly into her hands and placing a hand over Dominique's stomach, her fingers searching for any type of life coming from her friend.

Ben had Dominique's head supported on his lap, placing light kisses along her forehead with tears rolling over his face, dropping onto Dominique's porcelain skin.

Ashlyn and Aiden stood next to eachother, watching Dominique's finger twitch and her body convulse slightly with horror over their faces, their gazes haunted but the sight of their once strong friend laying.

Logan was the furthest away from Dom, his eyes travelling anywhere but her body in an effort to not acknowledge the situation.

Mike quickly rushed in, scooping a slightly shaking and lifeless Dominique up in his arms, supporting her weight and looking over her body, carrying her toward his jeep.

"Come on Ashlyn! Your friend needs help!" Mike spoke, gesturing over to his car. Ashlyn quickly nodded, rushing out of the bus and following them out, her gaze locked on Dominique's form in her father's arms. She reached out, holding her arm as they finally arrived at the car. He placed Dominique's body down in the back, gesturing Ashlyn in as she delicately grabbed Dominique's head, placing it on her thighs and crying out to her father to hurry.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER?!" Tyler shouted out, trying to get back toward Dominique's body but being stopped by his mother, who wrapped her arms around him and placed a kiss to his forehead. He closed his eyes, sobbing into her embrace.

"She needs to go to a hospital, honey. We'll follow them." She spoke quietly to her son, gesturing a teary-eyed Taylor over to their car. Everyone climbed in, the twins holding each other in comfort. Their mother pulled up next to the other teens and their stunned parents near the bus, shouting out her window.

"Hospital! Now!"

When Mike and Ashlyn had arrived at the hospital, they had passed Dominique's body along to the staff there, where they rushed her off despite a pleading Ashlyn, who wanted to stay with her.

They were walked down to the front desk, where they were asked basic information in regard to Dominique, and what their relation was to her.

When Ashlyn had replied that she and Dominique were close friends and Mike chimed in that he was Ashlyn's father, and he had bought her here when she 'collapsed', she was seen by a doctor, and her father was called.

He didn't pick up, so they left a message.

By now, everyone had gathered in the hospital's reception, waiting in despair on any news on Dominique's condition. The twins were huddled up in a chair together, Logan, Ben, Aiden and Ashlyn were all grouped together, silent with clouds of guilt looming over their heads.

Mike had walked over to Ash, asking her to take a walk with him. After talking briefly and muttering quickly to her friends, Ash and her father set off outside, holding the door open for a man with harrowing eyes to walk through the hospital, making their way down the street.

What the didn't know, however, was that man's relation to Dominique.

Or the smell of liquor reeking from his form.

1370 words

guys my little shit of a dog went missing for 8 fucking hours

and then popped back up down the side of my house like: "hey gang!!!! 😸 i know you were bawling your eyes out because you thought i was dead but I'm just a girl."

just quickly not 100% sure if there's going to me an update tomorrow. It's my dad's birthday and I'm going out to celebrate with him and some family.

If there is an update it might be a bit later than it usually is, just thought I'd give all my pookies some warning <333

also, I'm going to write a smut chapter lmao

guess who's it's with 🙊

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