Chapter 11: Someone Save Jiraiya

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Sakura quickly dealt with the poison in Kiba's body, then they swiftly made their way to the sand village, where they would receive full treatment for their injuries.

Aftwards they returned to Konoha, reporting the details of the mission to Tsunade.

"WHAT!!!" Tsunade yelled. "I'm going to castrate him!"

Meanwhile, Naruto and Satsuki had returned to Orochimaru's base. "Good job," he said.

"Thank you," Naruto said, though Satsuki stayed silent.

"You can go rest now," Orochimaru said. "I'm sure you're tired after such a long trip."

They turned, walking down the hall. Once they were out of earshot, Naruto said, "You could try not being so rude, you know?"

"Why?" Satsuki asked. "Orochimaru doesn't care."

"Maybe. But we should try to appease him, for now at least," he said. "We need his help, we don't want to antagonize him."

"And he needs my body," she said. "He's not going to forsake that over some rudeness."

"That doesn't mean we should go out of our way irritate him," Naruto said. "He's not going to wait forever. Eventually, he will want you to follow through on your side of the bargain. And when that time comes, it's better to have his trust than his scorn."

"Orochimaru is never going to trust us. He's not foolish enough for that."

"Maybe. But if we pretend to be compliant then that at least should put him at ease," he said.

"Fine, I'll tone down the attitude," she relented. "Happy?"

"Always when I'm with you," he joked.

"Idiot," she said, but she blushed. Though Naruto didn't notice, of course.

"You called for me?" Jiraiya asked, perched from the window.

"Yes. It's about Naruto," Tsunade said.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine, but the team I sent to rescue Gaara ran into him," she explained.

"What? What was he doing there?" he asked.

"Apparently, he was there to rescue Gaara."

"That sounds like him," Jiraiya said, almost fondly. "So, he did join Orochimaru then...?" he half asked.

"Yes." Tsunade could see the look of disappointment etched clearly onto his face. "But what really shocked me was the reason he joined Orochimaru."

"What?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah. Turns out the old man had placed a seal on him..." She watched as Jiraiya's eyes widened, and within them, pure terror could be seen. "And judging by your reaction, that confirms you played a part in it."

"Look, Tsunade, I know it seems bad but I assure you there is a proper explanation," he said nervously.

"Oh, there better be or the next annual Konoha tennis tournament will be featuring the nutsack of Jiraiya the Toad Sage," she threatened.

"We don't have an annual Konoha tennis tournament," he stated.

"We will..."


So I was thinking about the story, looking over what I did wrong in my writing process, and I realized something; I haven't set a proper writing & release schedule. I usually tend to write whenever or if I've been either procrastinating too long or haven't made sufficient progress writing a chapter, I rush. So, since I tend to stay up late anyways and it's easier for me to focus and review/go over my writing at night (since everybody goes to sleep and my little brother isn't making roosters sweat for fear of losing their job), I'm gonna write at 11PM - 12AM (up til three prolly).

Why is this important? It isn't, really. But I include these so that if you're curious or want to know more about what goes on outside the story... And setting a specific time for me to write, like: 11/12, allows me to write more - by setting specific yet still somewhat ambiguous time to write - so I can release longer chapters with better quality, instead of choosing one or the other.

As for the schedule, I'll be releasing a chapter a week
- typically at the end of the week, like Saturday or Sunday - again, allowing me to make longer chapters, and with my new writing schedule, write more.

Anyway, sorry for such a long explanation. Hope you enjoyed. I should really go to sleep...

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