Chapter 1

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Blue and Flavor

Flavor admired her reflection in the full-length mirror, feeling fly as fuck

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Flavor admired her reflection in the full-length mirror, feeling fly as fuck. She checked her Jordans, ensuring they were spotless, before heading out of her room. In the living room, she was greeted by her dad.

"Flavor flav, what you know good?" her dad inquired.

"Dad, don't call me that ugly ass dude's name," she joked.

"Little girl, mind your manners when talking to my husband," her mom's voice echoed from the kitchen.

Flavor shot her dad a look, silently conveying her exasperation. He simply shrugged and said, "You tell her, baby!"

Rolling her eyes, Flavor adored both her parents, but she shared a special bond with her dad. They were incredibly close, and he treated her like the son he never had. She had a knack for fixing things and could build almost anything thanks to him.

"Where are you off to, looking all dapper?" her dad inquired.

"Yeah, you're mad lame, dad! Just gonna kick it on 11th Street for a minute," Flavor responded.

"You're having breakfast before you leave my house, that's for sure," her mom stated firmly.

"Dang, Dad, you didn't give her any last night?" Flavor teased, smacking her lips.

"And since he didn't, you have to deal with all this attitude," her mom informed her.

Flavor tried to whisper, "Dang, she's got supersonic hearing," shaking her head in amusement.

"And I do!" her mom snapped back.

Flavor simply leaned back in her chair, choosing to keep quiet.

Before long, breakfast was ready, and her mom called them to the table. One thing about mom dukes she was going to always make sure her family was well-fed.

The spread included eggs, grits, bacon, ham, sausage, French toast with caramelized apples, along with coffee, orange juice, and milk, all laid out on the table.

"Really mom! What you trying to do; put us in a food coma. We just woke up." Flavor yelled rubbing her flat stomach taking her seat.

"Girl be quiet and eat." Her mom teased her.

They joined hands as her dad said a blessing, and then they began passing the platters around, serving themselves.

As Flavor sat at the breakfast table, the empty chairs where her sisters should have been weighed heavily on her heart.

It had been two long months since they last shared a meal together, their laughter and banter filling the room. The silence now felt deafening, a stark reminder of the growing distance between them.

"Mom, you cooked as if Unique and Taste are on their way," Flavor remarked with a hopeful tone, glancing at her mom.

"No, baby, it's just us," her mom replied sadly. "It's been a while since we all sat down and had a meal together. Have you talked to them lately?" she inquired.

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