the investigation in the caverns

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Back at the caverns with Drayton and Kieran arrived mysterious prinlup location with Batman and lina finding sample for mysterious prinlup left out holding flashlights in hand.

Kieran: "we need find sample quick before my sister will be upset for you spend a night at her dorm room."

Drayton: "don't worry she won't."

Lina: "you and carmine are dating?"

Drayton: "yup since last year in blueberry academy, she's sweet and beautiful girl from outside and inside, well it give you nightmares for weeks."

"Hey, I found something."

They turned right at the tunnel to see Batman from nine feet away hold flashlight down on dirt path and they turned off the flashlights started running towards him and stop to see medium long blue navy hair that surprise the group bit when Batman pick it by end of hair with both fingers to place it on handerchief on Lina Palm and fold it after that.

Lina: "we send it to the boys back at the lab doing dna test revealed mysterious prinlup identity. Besides captain Yvonne want her join section 27."

Batman: "yup."

Meanwhile at section 46 in the office with Sasha braus and mikasa Ackerman sitting in chairs who scared expression on their faces from captain nano sitting at her desk told them about doctor Strange and doctor fate sense something happen in the future at their alternate world, they staying at cortondo city, paldea region in Pokemon original universe as their new home with mikasa got a job at patisserie soapberry and Sasha braus cortondo city gym staff in part time at day shift like mikasa. And they agree with her after that and Sasha braus crossed her arms underneath f-cup breasts to look her girlfriend with a smile, "let start new life at paldea region to explore the cities and pokemon, what you say babe." Mikasa replied, "I agree with you my sweet potato."

Captain nano: "perfect, we got clothes for you two in your size, a book about paldea region customs, four housekeys, two rotom phone, and food inside your house in few blocks at right side of neighborhood."

Sasha: "thanks captain."

Captain nano: "no problem Sasha"

Then suddenly office automatic door open itself for male staff entered the office with wakaba and seventeen years old destiny ketchum from Pokemon alternative universe seven with captain nano said to them in kindness, "greetings you two I been inspected you."

Destiny: "thank you captain, let me guess my adopted parents made a promise to you in few years ago at my alternative universe as wild tera Pokemon catcher."

Captain nano: "correct kiddo."

Destiny: "radical, I'm in to make my family proud."

Wakaba: "me too."

Captain nano: "excellent welcome to section 46 you two."

[New chapter is out for today]

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