"You're such a baby Evan. I didn't get one second of sleep on that plane and I swear you slept the whole time" I scolded him as I tried keeping my eyes on the road which for the record I could barley see.

Once we pulled into his parents garage, his mother came running outside with open arms squeezing the first person she saw which was luckily him, "Evan you're getting so old" She laughed and patted his back loud enough to hear the hits against his skin sure to leave marks, she rocked him back and forth without letting go until she saw me and stopped everything.

"You must be the lucky lady" She chortled but instead of hugging me scanned my outfit then forced a smile, "Evan I thought you were bringing Emma" She tried to sound polite while asking but you could tell she was livid.

"No mom I clearly told you everything that happened and that I was bringing Tai" Evan said and looked over his shoulder at me with an, 'I'm so sorry please forgive me' look.

"So this must be the other woman" She said through gritted teeth then rolled her eyes and walked inside. "Andrew your son's here with his friend" She called out.

As I walked inside the beautiful family home feeling house, I immediately  regretted coming. Although Evan claimed his parents where amazing people, which I don't doubt for even a second, they didn't like the idea of bringing me and even the idea of us.

"Taissa how nice to meet you" His father said and forcefully shook my hand gripping it hard enough to make my hand go a bright red color, "You caught a nice one" He told Evan but said under his breath, "To bad you let go the best one" and walked to pour himself a drink. "Emma was such a wonderful girl, she'd always help us at home with anything. She'd cook meals, clean and would be the top wife for our son and we expect the very best Evan could have" His mom bragged to me while showing me their family pictures which Emma was in every single one of them. "Such a pair!" His father chimed in.

I barley lasted the whole couple hours we spent time with them but thankfully, they got tired and allowed Evan and I to have some alone time. Evan made some coffee for us both and we snuggled up by the fire in each other's arms enjoying the quite and sipping on our steaming hot coffee laughing at each time we burnt tounge and each time that I would nearly spill some on us because I kept burning my hand on the handle. I liked being like this with Evan, just us and clearly in love with each other without expressing it to the world, when it was just us everything felt different but as soon as someone else walked in our paradise ended. That so called paradise lasted awhile until his sister came home a hot drunk mess slamming the door and throwing her shoes at us, "Hey brother" She slurred and laughed.

"Bella you're a mess" (made up his sister's name don't hate me) Evan whisper yelled and instantly shot up to help her walk. I sat there awkwardly watching him fail to help her walk into the living room because each time he tried she slapped his hands and tripped on thin air.

"I was out and accidently had a lot more shots than planned. Nathan dumped me what was I supposed to do?" She cried out.

"Cried in your pillow" Evan suggested and helped her sit down on the love seat.  

"I wanted revenge! Where's the keys I'll go egg his house!" She shot up out of her seat then fell back down.

"Ugh where's Emma?" She asked me.

"She didn't come. Remember you know what happened? I'm with Taissa now" I awkwardly waved at her but she rolled her eyes and looked at me in disgust. "I want Emma!" She whined like the little kids on the plane.

I didn't want to nor could stand hearing how much of a disappointment I was to the family. When Evan was in the bathroom I gathered my unpacked bags and hauled them to the door and in tears called Vera knowing she'd know what to do. And she did. She scheduled an interview with a reporter about my modeling since I was doing pretty good and I got many movie deals. My agent called for a private jet to be sent to pick me up in the next thirty minuets and I'll hopefully be home by midnight. But just as I was about to leave, Evan ran out of the bathroom and stopped me at the door, "Babe where are you going?" he asked.

"Home" I said with tears streaming down my face uncontrollably.


"Have a nice birthday. I love you but I need to think. I'll call you when my plane lands" I lean in to kiss him but he backs up and denies me.

"No stay with me please" he begs but I look down at my phone and sigh, "I really need to go" And with that, I left balling my eyes out knowing I would never be Emma or the girl his parents wanted.

A/N: I HATED this chapter it was horrible but writers block ugh..

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