Teaching at UA

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"CAN YOU GUYS CALM DOWN" Everyone quickly became quiet as they don't normally hear their teacher yelling 

"ok, that's better, ahem anyways ren stop biting your sister act civil for once please" 


"fine did you guys know Ren once got stuck on the roof of our house and was too scared to get off so he started crying" 


"dumbass that was literally 2 days ago" 

"sakura language" 

"You know public humiliation isn't good parenting" 

"And who are you to tell me that darling, if I could raise my 8-year-old sister as a 16-year-old I can very well raise your hypocritical ass" 

"mom language" 

"shut up sakura I'm the teacher, not the student" 


"mhm yeah you remember when you said 'I can climb the roof and come right back down without falling and you wouldn't get scared' Yeah an hour later you're crying on the roof cause you're scared you're gonna fall" giggling Mai 

"what's so funny huh" 

"it's nothing" 

"then you shouldn't be laughing at me" 

"It's nothing don't worry about it" book slams on desk 

"Aww thanks for paying attention guys I appreciate it, anyways as y'all know we have presentations today so I've said this so many times yet Y'all don't listen so behave for once please, and most importantly no stupid questions"(looking at Ren) 

"last time you said there are no stupid questions" 

"yeah but I had forgotten who was in my class but there's no point in reminiscing in the past let's just get presentations over with" 

"Who's coming" 

"The usual people you know dynamight, shoto, charge bolt, and red riot" 


"Uh huh Hina focus" 

"oh sorry" 

"don't apologize you were distracted I get it my class is boring" 

"no one said that" 

"body language remember I took a few classes on psychology with my sister so I learned a few things" 

"So when are they gonna come" 

"Oh they're already here so I'm just gonna sit back and let them do their thing"

Time skip after presentations:

"I could send homework but I don't wanna grade so I'll let you guys out early if one of you can name one thing each person said today that isn't Sakura, ichika, or Mai" Hina raised her hand 

"Go ahead Hina" "ok so uhh shoto said how no matter ur past u can still be a hero, then dynamight was talking about how you shouldn't hesitate in fights, uh right charge bolt was talking about learning control over your quirk, and red riot was talking abt how you always have to stay strong and that's it" 

"good job now leave I don't wanna see your faces anymore"

𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑦 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now