New Mom Chaos

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Y/N x Bakugo

"Babe, have u seen the bag?" No answer 

"babe, have u seen the bag?" Still nothing


"I was putting the twins to sleep"

 "omg I'm sorry" 

"it's fine just ur yelling didn't help too much" 

"god who would've thought we're married, have 2 kids, amazing careers as heroes, and we're happy together" 

"u forgot one thing" 

"Hmm, what's that?"

"sleep deprived and tired" 

"mmm that's 2 things kats" 

"They play into each other" 

"I mean-" loud twin crying

"who takes who?" 

"u want sakura?" 

"I mean I'm gonna end up with both of them" 

"that's only if they're hungry" 

"which hopefully they aren't my boobs ache" We went to get the kids and they were very hungry I had Sakura on me while Bakugo gave the bottle to ren 

"tch brats doing my job" 

"awww are u jealous of ur own kids" 

"I'm just saying those are mine" 

"well ur gonna have to share at least till I can get them to drink only from the bottle" 

"how's this supposed to work anyway?" 

"They take turns and slowly I start making them rely more on the bottle and then I can completely make the transition from boob to bottle" 

"where'd u learn all that?" 

"Mommy classes" 

"still going to those?" 

"Hey! They help" 

"yeah they help as much as the web md u kept on going to" 

"don't judge me for doubting the doctors I was nervous" 

"It's fine babe they're both healthy" 

"insert Y/N's whispered baby voice look at who's done eating was that good...yeah, ok now we're gonna go to bed and ur not gonna wake up until mommy comes to give u breakfast...back to normal whispering voice  down she goes" 

"I'm never gonna get used to that" 

"well lucky for u I only use this voice with the babies now give me Ren so I can put him down" 

"I think I have the capacity as their dad to put them to bed" 

"Be my guest" As he was putting him to bed I saw a side I didn't normally see a gentle side like he couldn't harm a fly, we left quickly and silently 

"u were a completely different person in there babe" 

"what? I just put him to bed" 

"u were so gentle" 

"What? I wasn't gonna throw the kid in the crib" 

"u should be like that more" 

"Heh you wish" 

"Can we go to bed I'm tired Sakura sucked the energy out of me literally" 

"chuckle sure whatever u want babe"

(guys I know this is bad, I wrote it in 2021 and I'm just emptying them all out on here I promise they'll get better)

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