Dangerous Crossings

Start from the beginning

Brienne look from Jaime to Navi. "Be quick about, Navi stay close to Her Grace."

Brienne took the lead followed by Jaime and Navi. Jessica and Korbyn brought up the rear. Jaime made it to the middle of the bridge before coming to a stop, sitting down with his back to the wall.

Jaime panted, catching his breath. "I need to rest."

Brienne rolled her eyes. "Get up."

Jaime didn't move. "I have these, you know, on your feet when you walk to far. What do you call them?"

Brienne crossed her arms. "Get up now."

Jessica simply leaned against the wall. She knew they weren't crossing anytime soon.

"Corns." Jaime answered. "I never used to get corns. Of course I used to ride everywhere, not march around like a common foot soldier wearing the same shit boots for over a year."

Brienne reached down, trying to pull him up. Jaime held firm.

"The heel is ruined. There's no way -"

Jessica saw it before Brienne. Jaime lunged foward and grabbed Brienne's sword, taking off as far as he could before the rope stopped him. Jessica watched him handle the weight of the sword. He chuckled.

"You know, I never understood why some knights feel the need to carry two swords."

Brienne took an agressive stance. Jaime grinned. He was playing the knight well. He beamed from ear to ear. He was toying with her, trying to goad Brienne into making an ill-conceived move.

"Ooh. You move well for great beast of a woman."

Jaime lunged again and their swords clashed.

He was chuckling. "You shouldn't grimace before you lunge. It gives away the game."

Jaime was on the offensive once again, this time he pushed Brienne back. Brienne countered, but Jaime regained momentum. Spinning, he and Brienne switched placed.

Jessica was checking the dirt under her nail as she nonchalantly leaned against the wall.

Korbyn leaned over to her. "Shouldn't you intervene?"

Jessica sighed looking up, quickly surveying the scene before her. "I probably should, but Jaime is having the time of his life. And Brienne looks like she's handeling herself just fine."

Jaime smirked. "Bit of a quandary for you. If you kill me, you fail Lady Stark, you destroy my wife. But if you don't kill me, I'm going to kill you."

"Khaleesi." Navi urged.

Jaime attacked again. Both of them trading blows. It had now become a game of strength and leverage.

"You're good. Graceless, but good."

With the hilt of Brienne's sword, she broke the deadlock on Jaime's chains. But when they squar off once again, Brienne had the upper hand. She quickly gained the advantage, and kneed Jaime in the stomach.

Jessica jolted up off the wall and began walking toward the fighting pair.

Jaime kept careful watch of his wife. "See if you were willing to hurt me, you might have had me there."

Jaime spun, trying to reach Jessica and drive Brienne back down the bridge. Both their shoulders collide, and pant heavily. Jaime lunged again, but Brienne took the upper hand. Brienne punched Jaime square in the jaw and he reeled to the bridges wall.

Jessica just reached Jaime as Brienne's blow missed, sending sparks on the wall. Jaime, exhausted and beaten, immediately managed to shift Jessica protectively behind him.

Brienne immediately stopped. "Your Grace."

The neigh of a horse, made everyone jump. Jaime immediately put an arm around Jessica

Jessica narrowed her eyes, immediately noting the banners of House Bolton.

"Locke..." Jessica whispered. 

Locke surveyed the scene. "Looks like your woman's getting the better of you, if you can call that a woman."

Jaime smiled. "We enjoy a good fight. Gets our juices flowing. The Flayed Man of House Bolton. A bit gruesome for my taste."

Locke looked behind him. "You sure he's the one?"

The man that the party had run into earlier emerged. "That's him alright. I saw him fight at the tourney for William Frey's wedding."

Jessica gave Jaime a confused look. "You went to a Frey wedding?"

"Shhh, My Love." Jaime pressed his lips to her temple.

Locke nodded. "Give the man his silver."

Jaime looked up. "Let us go and my father will pay you whatever you want."

Locke smirked. "Enough to buy me a new head? If the King in the North hears I had the Kingslayer and let him go, he'll be taking it right off. Besides, there's a far sweeter prizes in your arms. Isn't that right, Your Grace?"

Jaime went pale and shifted Jessica fully behind him as the mounted men surrounded them.

Korbyn lunged for Locke but before he could attack, a crossbow struck him square in the eye and Korbyn dropped dead at their feet.

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