Chapter 6

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This does consist of lots of carrot moments as advertised.


By the time Harry stopped, letting me know we are whenever he was headed, his hand had migrated to my hand.

He faces me as I still look at the concert opening in front of us. He squeezed my hand and led me inside. The people at the front didn't ask for any ID or tickets or anything. He simply walked in. Maybe he works here. I thought. Taking a card out of his pocket, he swiped a door and put in a pass code. What is happening?

Still holding my hand, he pulled me through a huge darkened hallway to another door that said performers only. He opened the door just as he did to the last one propping a door stop in place. Light filtered through given his face light and shadows at the same time. "Do you seriously not know me?" He questioned looking into my eyes. Finally all the pieces were in place in my mind. Of course that's how he looked familiar. He is Harry from One Direction. I saw him on a poster the first day here. I don't know how it slipped my mind, but I felt stupid now.

I gasped stepping back for reasons unknown to even myself. I felt so stupid. Before I could feel some other emotion, I felt the dark wall meet my back. Pain started in my spine and swept through my whole body. Harry was standing close to me a second later. I could feel my heart race as Harry's lips met mine for the second time. I kissed back. We stayed kissing which felt like hours yet seconds at the same time.

"What was that for?" I questioned hoping to later use it to my advantage.

Catching his breath, he said in a low tone, "For liking me for me. Not Harry Styles from One Direction." Was I that see through with my emotions? I thought I was a stone, but around Harry, I was lava.

I decided my safest bet was denial. "Psh. Don't flatter yourself." I'm glad it was mostly dark in here because I could feel the heat of my cheeks.

I could barely make out a smile form on Harry's lips. "Suit yourself."

Without taking my hand, he walked to out of the door and looked back at me. "Are you coming?"

I quickly caught up to him, and we continued walking. We had a huge stage under our feet. All of a sudden, this boy popped out from behind a speaker silly string in hand. "No Louis don't!" Harry begged, but it was too late. The silly string was already in mid air. Now Harry and I were covered in it.

Louis was laughing at Harry and then noticed I was standing there. "Whose the girl?"

Harry pushed me back a little signalling he would do the introductions. This is the first contact we had since the hallway which seemed like years ago. "Louis, this is Amber. Amber, this is Louis."

I smiled at Louis trying my best to look nice. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" I said a little too perky for my taste. I could feel Louis judging me.

Two other heads looked at us. They both came over somewhat intrigued that Harry brought someone to what I guessed was rehearsal.

Harry decided it was best to get the hello's out of the way now so he said, "Hi guys. This is Amber. She's going to watch today. I was supposed to take her sight seeing today around England today, but the plans changed. Amber this is Liam and Zayn." He gestured to the two boys one by one.

This was such an awkward situation for me. "Hi Liam and Zayn." I waved with a smile.

"Aw! Now doesn't she seem nice Zayn. You're so nice!" Liam said to me. Okay, now this was the most awkward situation for me.

Just then a boy came running down the aisle with a jumbo bucket of chicken in his hand. "Look at all my chicken!" I immediately noticed he had a different accent than everyone. I quickly decided it was an Irish accent.

He saw me and stopped screaming about his chicken. He walked up the steps awkwardly until he came to meet us in the circle. Harry leaned into my ear and whispered in my ear, "This is Niall." He kept his head close to mine.

I gave him a smile just as I had done to the others. "Hi! I'm Amber. I'm here with Harry." I don't know what compelled me to say the last part. I felt Harry smile in my hair.

Liam was the first to speak up, "Well now that everyone knows each other, we can start rehearsal. Harry and Amber -- you might want to get a little bit cleaned up first."

It just hit me we where still covered in the silly string. Harry grabbed my hand and showed me where the bathrooms were backstage. It was only one small room, so we both wrestled with the silly string. I could feel Harry look at me when he was done. I was still trying to get it off. It was a lot harder than Harry made it out to be. He just laughed at my struggling, refusing to ask for help.

After I had won my wrestling match with the silly string, Harry walked me to the seats before going on the stage. Sitting in the seat, I had my eyes on Harry the whole time. The way he walked around on stage to the way he smiled when someone said something funny, he was perfect. He looked towards me and smiled, and I smiled back.

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