chapter eight

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Elijah seemed more at ease with me after our conversation and we settled into a comfortable silence. I looked out of the window, lost in my thoughts, which for once we're rather positive. I felt almost excited about this road trip with Elijah, which said a lot about how little I had gotten out the past few weeks. Eventually we reached a town and Elijah put the car in park.

"You wait here," He said, adjusting his cufflinks before opening his door, "This will only take a minute."

"You're leaving me in the car?" I gaped at him and he gave me an exasperated look.

"I'll crack the window open." He deadpanned before climbing out and shutting the door behind him.

"I'm not a baby!" I shouted after him, knowing that he could hear me.

I huffed as I watched him walk away and I began to tap my fingers along the dashboard, already bored. Being the nosey person that I was, I entertained myself by looking through the glove box but unfortunately there was nothing apart from a pair of driving gloves. Who even wore driving gloves these days?

I also peered into the center console of the car but it was empty. There wasn't even any loose change. I let out a sigh of annoyance. How dare Elijah leave me in a car without any of his dirty secrets!

Feeling stuffy despite the window that Elijah had indeed cracked open, I got out of the car and leant against it as my eyes scanned what I could see of the time. In moments of boredom, people watching was always exceptional entertainment.

The streets were bustling with people of all ages. Some carried bags, presumably filled with goodies from a shopping spree, whilst others sat outside restaurants eating. One teenager passed me whilst holding an ice-cream and I felt my stomach rumble.

After a few minutes of me gazing longingly at the various food establishments, Elijah returned.

"I am ready to take you home now." He said, coming to stand beside me.

"I don't think I'm ready to go home yet," I shrugged with a small smile, "After waiting for such a long time for you, I think I am owed a dinner."

"It was less than 10 minutes." Elijah said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"At yet here I am, positively starving due to your negligence." I grinned, earning an annoyed look for the original.

"Very well, Miss Gilbert," Elijah reluctantly agreed, "That mouth must get you into a lot of trouble."

"Your brother seemed to think so," I quipped and Elijah gave me an unimpressed frown.

"I think I now understand why my brother likes you."

I didn't ask him to elaborate.

Elijah walked me over to one of the restaurants and I didn't complain about him picking where we ate. It served Italian inspired cuisine and had a fancy name that I couldn't pronounce. We sat at a corner table and I nodded my thanks as our waitress handed up both a menu.

My eyes hungrily scanned the menu and my stomach rumbled, letting me know that it would be perfectly happy with any of the selections. The prices were insane and I looked up through my lashes at Elijah in a way that used to make his brother go wild.

"You picked the restaurant so you're gonna have to pay." When he raised an eyebrow at me, I continued, "Because I was perfectly happy with the KFC down the road and these dishes cost more than everything I own."

"Relax, Miss Gilbert, I had every intention of paying." Elijah replied calmly as he placed his menu on the table, seemingly having already decided what he wanted to eat.

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